Merry Christmas

The Traditional British Christmas meal, Turkey, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, sausages and gravy. Followed by Christmas pudding. But have you ever wondered how we came to eat these things ?
The turkey was introduced to the UK by William Strickland in Bristol in 1526 when he imported 6 birds from America, the Indians were particularly fond of this bird. King Henry XIII was the first king to have it at christmas. After the meal a long y shaped bone of the turkey will be pulled apart and the person who gets the biggest part can make a wish!
The Pudding has been around since the middle ages, it used to have meat in it, but became more of a desert during victorian times. It was made 5 weeks before christmas after advent sunday and each family member would stir it up and make a wish, called "stir up sunday", often a silver coin would be added and the one who found it got wealth and good luck!
In America the christmas meal is similar but pumpkin pie is a popular desert. Cod fish and baked potatoes are enjoyed in Spain and Portugal, Scandinavian countries like to eat shellfish, pork and caviar. With the Australians enjoying a BBQ due to the heat of their summer and prefering to enjoy the outdoors and the Italians a 7 course feast with salads and pastas.
Whatever you are eating this Christmas, make it a tradition of good food, family time and laughter, a time to be thankful and to remember Christs birth and love for us.


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