Last Nights Vietnamese feast!

Last night we ate in a wonderful Vietnamese restaurant with friends in Greensboro, and had papaya salad with fish sauce, and hotpot- the flavors were wonderful and so fresh. There is a fair sized Vietnamese community in the area and that translates into great food!

Will try out some of the dishes in future, and go to their grocery store to get those fresh herbs- lemon grass and Basil.

Even our little daughter had a small dish of vermicelli and loved it, she truly is an international eater for an 8 month old.


  1. I love to learn about foods from foreign cultures - very interesting!

  2. Thats one of the best things to do in life I think travel and eat new foods- enjoy
    will check on your food adventures also

  3. I've tried Vietnamese cuisine just once and found it to good!! Great to know that Jas has a taste for the finer things in life :)

  4. Vietnamese food is delicious. It lacks the heat of Thai food but makes up for it with layers of flavor.

  5. Mary: thats true but it was spicy last night but I was with two Indians i am sure they added chilli oil to it !!!!

  6. Your daughter will definitely love all kinds of foods.

    Love Vietnamese food. That soup looks awesome.

  7. That Vietnamese hotpot looks delicious. It's hard to get Vietnamese food unless I travel to NYC so I usually have to learn how to make it at home. Thanks for sharing!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Phyllis NYC is the greatest place to eat I agree


  10. Thanks for stopping by my site, Rebecca. I love Vietnamese food, too, and spent a summer making my own Vietnamese Spring Rolls. It is one of my favorite foods. Also, I love Italian sausages on polenta. Especially with canellini beans.

  11. Thanks for stopping by our site! We love your site. We eat a lot of different cuisines. Indian is one of our favorites.


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