Spicy Tomato Pasta Sauce

Heres a quick pasta sauce recipe with a kick!

Ingredients; 4 Roma tomatoes, 8 cherry tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, 1/2 pack of Italian salami, 1/2 red onion, 3 crushed red chilli's, 1/4 green pepper.

1. Saute the onion, garlic, green pepper in olive oil until nearly cooked
2. Then add tomatoes and simmer slowly (about 20 min until fully reduced down) with salami, and a pinch of italian herbs, salt and red chilli's

Serve with green salad and linguine.

Enjoy this simple and healthy meal, with 1/2 a plate of salad and 1 cup of pasta.


  1. Spicy is good in my book. Puts a little kick into a usually traditional pasta dish. Yum!!

  2. We are so used to spicy food,that I have to add red chilly powder to the sauce every time I make it-hubby calls it pasta with the "Indian twist" ;)

  3. Spicy sauce sounds excellent!

  4. I Had Indian friends coming over for dinner that day he he

  5. This spicy sauce sounds delicious. I love a bit of a kick.. Thanks for stopping by.. your blog is lovely..

  6. Cool blog! Love the pasta sauce and Love the emphasis on sleep - that is one of my ongoing goals in life! I'm a dietitian also and new to the blogging world- glad to have found yours.

  7. That looks really good. I like my tomato sauce spicy!


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