Easy Peasy Tuna Panini

Quick and easy Panini idea mix tuna with a little light mayo, put between 2 slices of wholegrain bread with cheese and grill and there you have it a tasty little lunch.

I just love my Panini maker he he



  1. Tuna. Classic sandwich right there. Reminds me of my school days when I used to bring tuna sandwich lunches.

  2. I think I need to get a panini maker!!Looks like everyone is having tuna ;)

  3. Hmm, very easy sandwich..looks yumm!!

  4. Tuna seems always a fav. ingredient for making a sandwich.
    I like to use cottage cheese in the sandwich too.

  5. I love my panini press and use it all of the time. Tuna is one of our favorites.

  6. Awesome!! I've got to put Panini Maker on my "things I want" list! Looks great.

  7. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog :) Your tuna panini sounds delicious! I received a panini maker a couple of years ago and don't know why I haven't used it yet?!? I LOVE tuna (as do my kids), so I'm thinking this would be a great lunch idea...I can't try it for dinner, b/c my husband won't touch tuna with a ten foot pole!

  8. A panini maker is one of those things that has been on my wish-list for years! Sounds yummy...off to search ebay or amazon for a panini maker...maybe today will be the day :)

  9. Jenn: I love Tuna so healthy and quick
    Sweta: yep get one
    Chitra: thanks
    Angie: cottage cheese is great and low in fat
    Sophie: thanks
    Sam: aren't they great!
    Gina, GirlieChef and Sweta I have a Breville it heats very fast and can also be used as a grill highly recommend it lol
    Rachel: make for the kiddies they can help choose the different fillings we used to love making toasties when we were small he he

  10. Panini's, my hubby's mom just got a maker and made them when we arrived, when we got up, lol, actually I can see the allure...I love the basket covered bowl, and that plate, what is that patter called, kind of like raincoats and umbrella patterns from when I was a girl...I am a 'dish' collector of sorts!

    I could go hog wild ordering things for my friend from Costa Rica, lol!

    I may order a panini maker!

  11. chef e go for it order one you can give it a texan flavour


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