Homemade Chapattis

Well I call them Chapatti, some folks also say rotti. Its an Indian flat bread like a tortilla, and tastes great with any type of curries, or veggies and my daughter loved it!

Ingredients: Chapatti flour (whole wheat) from indian store, salt, water, yogurt, oil.

1. mix some flour, amount depends on how many you want to make, I don't make much as its work he he, add water till you get a nice dough, 1 tablespoon natural yogurt as this makes it softer, salt and little oil.
Put this aside for a couple of hours.
2. knead the dough then roll out into little pancake type shapes
3. heat a pan with a little oil if desired, also works well without, then add the chapatti to the pan (the thinner the better, I use a dosa pan) press spatula down along the edges to try and trap a pocket of air inside to make it puff up. This makes it soft, cook a couple of minutes on each side and set aside.

we ate ours with chicken curry, okra, broccoli and dal

This was our daughters!

Enjoy and remember portion control its very easy to get a lot of these, 2 - 3 is plenty, fill up on the veggies, one of the reasons I steamed broccoli.

Rebecca, oh and not bad for an English girl!!!


  1. Excellent for an English girl-if I may say so!!
    I try and add some chopped/grated veggies(carrot/methi/spinach) while making the dough so that my son get's some extra veggies in the chapathi itself!!You could try it too for Jas:)

  2. I adore home made chapatis and yours look wonderful!
    Nice blog!

  3. Excellent recipe and very handy!

  4. Wow. nice job!! I haven't had rotti as much. I'm always a had naan. This looks very simple though.

  5. OMG tht's amazing............great work!!!! People who make them daily also fail sometimes to give a shape, really nice, appreciate it!

  6. Yum!! I love Indian flat bread and yours look delicious! I've always wanted to try making these.

  7. Sweta: thanks will add veggies next time good idea
    Nicisme: thanks
    Ruth: thanks
    Jenn: I love naan but you need a tandoor to cook it, I would like one though he he
    Aruna: thanks, and thanks for visiting
    Screamin mama, give it a try its not too hard


  8. Yes, I definitely want to eat Indian food when I leave your blog...this looks so simple, yet I know I'd love it!

  9. I love roti/chapatti! I'm partial to 'wet', saucy foods that I usually spoon over rice but sometimes, there's still some sauce left on the plate after the last grain has been eaten. These solve the problem deliciously!

  10. Ive never had this before, but this makes me want to try it. Delicious sounding!

  11. girlichef: yep it tastes so good, love it
    tangled noodle yep great for cleaning the plate with!
    Donna: Indian food is great, and anyone can make it


  12. Homemade chapattis sound wonderful! I would love to try them!

  13. 5 star foodie will send you some he he
    Mommy Gourmet - they were he

  14. My husband makes these! He's a total white boy, but bought the indian flour and a special pan and everything and they are SO yummy with melted ghee on top. Mmmm

  15. I will have to try making my own, I always buy mine, but you have made it sound possible.

  16. Michelle, thats so cool
    Jacqueline: you can do it!

  17. Those look delicious. Love Indian food.

  18. Ooh.. I've been wanting to make this. Looks delicious!

    And thanks for checking out my blog!

  19. These look so delicious--I love the yogurt addition!

    Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  20. Yum! I love chapatis. Indian food is my favorite, so I am super excited to test out your recipes! Can't wait to hear more from you, love!


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