Indonesian Fried Rice: Nasi Goreng

When you need a quick tasty and healthy meal, curry pastes are great, I found this one in world market now I need to read up on Indonesian food and make it from scratch the ingredients are shallots, garlic, tomato paste and chili's. Stores like World Market and foreign grocery stores are a great introduction to new cuisines and put you on the search for more!

So first you make an omelette I added chilli's to mine!, cut into thin strips and keep it aside.

Then you fry onions in canola oil, scrimp with 4 tablespoons of the paste, green pepper, snow peas, peas or any veggies then slowly add cooked rice. I use a rice cooker, so all in all this meal is so easy, great for when you are short of time,


Much Love Rebecca


  1. That looks great!! I've never seen those pastes but now i'm definitely going to look!!

  2. I just bought a red curry paste the other day, but haven't had a chance to use it yet...hmmm.

  3. This omelette with chili, curry and fried rice is a very sexy dish, a real savory treat…yummmmm :D
    Congrats also for your award!



  4. I've only tried the Thai curry pastes-must look out for this now!Thanks for sharing:)

  5. Yummy. I've been meaning to cook something with curry paste lately. unfortunately I'm limited in my cook as some member of the house hold don't like spicy food. Oh well, that means for for me.

  6. I love cooking with curry paste...
    I'm definitely going to cook this delcious recipe.
    Thanks for sharing recipe.

    and you can visit me fi i can visit you:)

  7. I have never cooked with curry pastes before, but now I want to try.

  8. Sarah: they are great, also sold in Asian Stores
    Girlichef: oh very easy to use, just mix with coconut milk and add to sauteed veg and meat, I like green the best- also easy to make from scratch
    Gera: thanks
    Sweta: it was very nice, the tomato paste gave different flavour
    Jenn: thats a shame, make one with less paste and one with more!
    Rosemary: I like your site
    Donna: you like hot and spicy!


  9. I haven't cooked with curry pastes before but you have me so intrigued. This looks fantastic!

  10. This dish looks wonderful. I have been wanting to experiment with pastes more. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I have some red curry paste that's been sitting in my fridge since I used it in one recipe - this fried rice would be perfect to make!

  12. This looks very quick and tasty. I sometimes make my own green curry paste and freeze it in ice cube trays. The I pop them in a resealable bag in the freezer and I have it right there and waiting when I fancy a curry hit.

  13. Love fried rice; will have to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love Nasi goreng, living in Belgium and holland beeing so close we get yummy nasi goreng and this looks really delicous.

  15. katherine: now you can try
    bread and jam: enjoy
    5 star foodie, not sure I would use red curry paste for fried rice I think works better with coconut milk in a curry but give it a shot and let me know how it turned out lol
    licked spoon: sounds fab have you posted the recipe on your blog??
    Anthony: no probs
    Happy Cook: thats cool you knew what it was I didn't until I saw in the store, lol


  16. I am slowly making my way into more curry flavored dishes and this one looks and sounds fantastic! This sounds so savory.

  17. looks like a great dish! Is it pretty spicy? I've never worked with pastes before, I'll have to give 'em a try!


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  19. Bridgett: and so easy
    Kristen: no not too spicy, I think Thai has more of a kick
    Teresa: thanks so much will check on yours again also kids are such a gift love being a mum Rebecca

  20. I do not eat or make cuisine like this enough, and love it. Yours looks and sounds great!

  21. Love this! It is such a simple dish and yet so complete and satisfying. As for pastes - curries and chilis - I'm definitely in the throes of experimentation. They are fantastic and easy ways to add complex flavors to just about any dish.


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