Winston Salem's Greek Festival

Every May Winston Salem's Greek community hosts a Greek festival with home cooked food, gifts, cooking lessons and live music to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the local Greek community. It is a very popular event and you will indeed struggle to get parking!

Its a wonderful place to visit the food is great and tastes Authentic I have been fortunate to have been to Greece a couple of times so have a benchmark. The dancing and music is a lot of fun, for kids. Our daughter is still a little young and poor thing was so sleepy, but in the future she will get more out of it.

Cars are parked everywhere!

The Hellenic Center

Live Music, folks are sitting out enjoying the warm NC evening

Traditional home made sweets, delicious

Chicken, Rice and Green Beans

Greek Salads

Pork Souvlaki, sauteed green beans, rice, spinach pie and greek salad, we got a take out as the little one was getting tired.
They also sold Greek Food there and to my delight I found there is a Greek grocery store in town you guessed it, I'll be going there, as they are getting a shipment of honey in 2 weeks!

Does your town have any local festivals, if so tell us about it below......


  1. Nice! Thanks for sharing those photos. We don't have a Greek festival here. At least, none that I now of. Looks like a good time with some good food.

  2. What a fun evening, the food looks wonderful! I'd love to find something like that in our area!

  3. Food looks fantastic. Sounds like a terrific time!

  4. There is always one International food&wine exihibition in Koeln Messe, but the high entry fee puts me off.
    Actually every summer there's a Greek Food/Wine Promotion in LIDL(one of largest supermarkets here). I usually bought some olive oil, wine, and herbs from this weekly promotion.
    p.s. Have you any tips to heal or even just release the pain of migraine headache? Yesterday I gotta swallow 6 pills to kill the headache.....

  5. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. This festival looks so much fun - I love Greek food (as I live in the middle of a Turkish part of London, don't tell anyone I said that, ok?).

  6. Jenn: It was fun, one of the things I love about this town, thanks
    Teresa: hope you find something where you live lol
    Donna: thanks
    Angie: have emailed you about migraines this one only cost a dollar and kids were free so we are lucky, I love lidl too, my parents always shop there in Scotland!
    LickedSpoon: North London? Turkish food is also good, and don't worry i won't say anything hehe

  7. Sounds like a good time...we have a great Greek Festival every year here in Northern Indian, too :)

  8. Oh what fun-the food looks great too(esp.the sweets).
    Jas will have a great time the next time around-but YOU will have a hard time.He he he-it's easier to handle kids who haven't started to walk!!

  9. Looks like such a fun event and i bet the food is awesome!

  10. Looks like a wonderful time! Especially the food part :)


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