Smart Kids Drank Mommies Milk

First and foremost I just want to say its a personal choice to breast feed and sometimes its not possible, there is no right or wrong, love is the best gift to give to a child.
A recent study conducted in Denver compared siblings who were either breast feed or not and they found the breast fed children had a higher GPA in high school and were more likely to attend college. Yet another benefit of breast feeding.
I am nearly at one year with Jasmine I am proud of myself, despite her struggling to latch at the beginning and a bout of mastitis we made it. Its not easy but well worth the benefits, feel free to comment with tips for success and I am here to help.
Oh and Nestle has recalled Toll House cookie dough just in case you have any,
love Rebecca
I was unable to breast feed both my children due to some medical issues, and they are both crazy smart. These studies need to look at the amount of quality time is spent with babies, whether they were breast fed or not.
ReplyDeletethats true I agree Finsmom, you can't beat quality time and good parenting its priceless, if you were unable to do it its no big deal, I am sure you are a great mom
ReplyDeleteGlad to read here that women who breastfeed and those who don't can get along. I think it's a highly personal issue and one should never be asked that question, especially by strangers. Love, laughs, and giant empty boxes seem to be all kids need to be happy most days. :)
ReplyDeleteLisa: love the empty boxes point so true, it doesn't matter how baby is fed as long as they are loved but its nice to know the benefits for those who are to encourage them. Rebecca
ReplyDeleteMy understanding is that breast milk is especially important during the first few months but it's wonderful that you are able to as long as a year!
ReplyDeleteThis was definitely a controversial post idea! But I agree with what you said. there are countless studies providing proof that there is a benefit to breast feeding-- but it isn't the end-all, be-all of parenting. there is much, much, MUCH more to parenting than this one issue. In the end, parents know that if there's something they can do which may benefit their child... they'll do it! But if you aren't able to, there are a million, zillion other important things to do. like letting your kids play in giant, empty boxes. :)
ReplyDelete5 star foodie: its recommended for a year with foods from 4-6 months then cows milk after that
ReplyDeleteSarah the new girl:I feel scared now I hope and pray I didn't offend anyone, will maybe not do this topic again oops Rebecca
I had the same probs with Adi-but,it sort of gets better after the first 1 month!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you posted this. First and foremost, I love that you stated that if one can't, they shouldn't feel condemned or feel unfit. I agree with finsmom that these studies do not look at the amount of "quality" time spent with the child. With that said, I did breastfeed both my children for a year. For me, it was a bond that is really unexplainable and I'm so happy I did. Do I feel my child is going to be smarter than my nephew who wasn't breastfed? Absolutely not. They both excel at different subject matter and I would never, ever make my sister feel as though she did something wrong for not being able to breastfeed my nephew. Like Sarah, The New Girl said, I do believe there are benefits to breastfeeding, but it isn't the end-all, be-all of parenting.
ReplyDeleteI think you broached the topic with great sensitivity. It's *your* blog, don't fret. :)
ReplyDeleteI wasnt offended at all, so no worries there :)
ReplyDeleteI jsut get frustrated by this topic sometimes, because I have heard it so much. There is A LOT of pressure out there to breastfeed, and it was heartbreaking for me not to be able to. Even though I couldn't, I was still pushed and pushed and pushed to do it, and made to feel terrible for not being able to. So not the thing that a new mom needs! I think it is very awesome when people can, but am tired of the guilt pushed on those who cant. That being said, bring on the cardboard boxes!
This is what the government is advising here in my country as well.It's a shame that I was able to do it for only a month,after that,despite all efforts,I wasn't able to produce breast milk.
ReplyDeleteI love you all thanks for being so honest your great Mums and take time to cook good meals for your families and learn about health sorry again, I feel lucky to converse with you all, Rebecca
ReplyDeleteI was breast-fed for 15-16 months. The reason she stopped was because she was pregnant again and she was told or suggested to stop breast-feeding me.......
ReplyDeleteHi Rebecca, I hopped over from Anncoo's ;-)
ReplyDeleteI just get so excited when I see "Mommies Milk". There are many benefits of breast feeding eg smarter child = better grades and they don't fall sick easily. To me, these are all secondary. I enjoy breastfeeding simply because of the bonding, it is beyond words.
Of course, I encourage my friends to breastfeed but for those who couldn't due to whatever reasons, they are in no way a worse off parent. I always believe that as a parent, we are already doing what we think is best for our children, regardless of whether the child was breastfed or formula fed.
BTW, just to share, I've breastfed my eldest DD for 3 years (I breastfed till my last trimester), DS2 for 2 years and DD3 for 2 years and still going strong.