Tips for Finding Good Eats When Traveling



We are going to DC/Baltimore for the weekend, I am in a conference so unlikely to have much time to eat. But thought I would share tips to find great restuarants when going to a new city

- Go onto its a great site that lists restaurants by city with prices and rating (in fact I got the 2008/2009 survey of places to eat around the world for hubby for fathers day, something different!)

- The New York Times has awesome restaurant reviews and also great travel ideas for cities around the world, we used to use this all the time when visiting friends in NYC with a goal to try a different countries cuisine each time, and believe me in New York theres a lot!

-Fodors travel

- The World famous Michelin Guide

- Ask folks on foodbuzz, I did this before going to Europe

- Ask the locals, this is probably the best advice you can get.

I emailed Natasha of 5 star foodie as I noticed she lived near DC.

Be adventurous and often the best restaurants are the ones we stumble upon, oh and a good tip is to find busy restaurants and if in a foreign country you don't want to hear too much English spoken !!

Bye for now, enjoy the rest of your weeks and have a fab weekend

What are some of your tips?........


  1. I thought your company would have kind of a contract with the hotel. There are rates for groups, corporates or regular guests....The price shall be much reasonable than those rack rate.

  2. thanks for the tips! never heard of most so this is appreciated!

  3. Great tips. I agree that in a foreign country it's best not to hear too much English spoken or you'll end up in a tourist spot. NY Times does have great reviews.

  4. Have a wonderful (and safe) trip! Thanks for the tips, too! We're going up to the Chicago area this weekend and were trying to think of a nice, romantic restaurant to go to for our anniversary (we were supposed to go this past Monday, but I got sick)...I'll have to try out some of those sites!

  5. Thanks for the great resources! I watch the food Network a lot and they are always recommending restaurants, or interviewing chefs who own amazing restaraunts..I've got a whole list of places I want to eat!

  6. Oh, have fun!! I research online, check out tons of books and definitely ask any locals. Sounds like you're well on your way :D

  7. Don't forget the Mobil Travel Guide! For US, it's the best one! Michelin hasn't rated restaurants in DC yet, but they really should. Have a fun trip! Hope the weather is better on a weekend than it is today!

  8. Great tips Rebecca! So true that before a trip to explore information about it! I didn’t know some of them!
    The better way if it is possible, is to ask local people, they know all the tips and tricks of the place!

    Cheers and have fun!


  9. Do you know about Ben's Chili Bowl? Probably. But if you don't, you should really go and try the chili half-smoke. The place has a lot of Civil Rights history. You should also try Eden Center, a strip mall of Vietnamese restaurants in Falls Church, Va. Lastly, if you have time to get away, go to El Pollo Rico in Arlington, Va./Falls Church. Peruvian chicken.

  10. Another great resource is

  11. Rebecca, have a nice trip!
    we love the Zagat guide.

  12. Thanks for the info Reb.Have a great time :)

  13. Wishing you a safe and very fun journey! Looking forward to hearing about the good eats you find.

  14. I always try to find out as much as I can about a place before I visit. This is a great post, thanks so much!

  15. Angie: oh its all paid for with the study
    Sophie: will have to come to your area one day and use the guide lol
    Lauren: no probs
    Sam: thanks
    Rachel: hope you have an awesome meal with your hubby lol
    Gina: your'll have to post about them all lol
    Girlichef: he he lets see
    Kenny: thanks
    5 star foodie: rainy here sob sob, ate vietnamese in George town take out so hard with baba!!
    Gera: locals are best I agree
    Hummingbird appetite thanks so much i ran out of time this trip but next time we come to dc will check it out oh i used yelp for crab cakes in maryland thanks
    Erica, Sweta, Tangled noodle, Nicisme thanks

  16. Thanks for this info, Never heard of this places befor.
    About the Lotus root - You can get in Indian store (patel brother's) frozen section!

  17. I agree; asking locals might be the best option

    Jackie @

  18. This is a good idea for traveling. Enjoy your time at the conference.


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