Walk Early to Beat the Summer Heat

Great tip: try and walk early in fact as soon as you get up. I went today threw on some clothes, Jasmine was in her PJS he he and we went to the park. It was 7.30am nice, quiet and cool.

 When we returned we had breakfast, put on the coffee and took our showers, it was a lovely start to the day. 

Oh and on another note I am studying a home study on youth and toddler fitness and I just read that young kids are more at risk of thermal injury (overheating) as their bodies are less well equipped than adults. As they have a lower sweat rate, greater energy expenditures during exercise and lower cardiac outputs so they can't dissipate heat as well.
It states that kids should be monitored carefully in high heat over 85 degrees ensuring good hydration. I didn't know this so I thought I would share it, so be extra careful with the kiddies in the heat lol 



  1. So funny that you would post this! For the past few days I've been screaming at myself to get up and go out for a walk/jog in the morning. You've inspired me!!

  2. I used to go running in the mornings. But since I'm busy during the morning now I take my walk/runs as the sunsets.

  3. This is good advice. Thanks for sharing it!

    Love your header picture!

  4. I always try to workout in the morning, but it's so hard for me to do! I am one of those people who eats breakfast and drinks my coffee right away. It's pathetic but I just can't switch it up. I agree though, the earlier the better (if you workout outside), as the humidty was 100 percent this afternoon and it was 90 degrees!

  5. I would love to do this!! Thanks for sharing this great tip.

  6. Great advice! I am an American living in London, and sadly I have to wait until noon, even in the summer, to get enough warmth to leave my cardigan at home. Love the picture you have up -- what recipe is it? Do I see watermelon?

  7. Diana: let me know how it goes all the best we walked again this am
    Jenn: that also works well lol
    The ungourmet: thanks, oh thats a salad i had
    Gina: I used to be like you but with a baby I now have to get up earlier he he
    Ann: no problem
    Cucinista:oh the British weather so you can imagine how hot I find the US he he its tomtatoe, blueberry, strawberry spniach lettuce, cucumber ham and cheese lol


  8. I love mornings .. am glad you're enjoying the morning quietness with your baby

  9. I would love to go for an early morning walk/run-but baba tends to be cranky when he wakes up and needs to be with mommy :)
    Great info-you must ask your MIL to get cotton jablas for Jas. I used to dress Adi in those and cotton nappies during the summer when he was Jas's age(in India)

  10. a world in a pan: i am blessed lol
    Sweta good tips, she has cotton PJs shorts and t Gap have them, try to leave no diaper but pees he he aw well, love reb

  11. I passed some joggers around two in the afternoon, and am amazed they do not fall over from this Texas heat down here! I am staying in during the peek time...


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