Lamb Curry

This Curry takes a while but all good things come to those who wait!


  • One pack of cubed lamb from the Indian store
  • one red onion
  • curry leaves
  • 3 green chilis
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • 4 potatoes
  • masala powder
  • whole masala
  • salt
  • chili powder
  • coriander powder
  • 2 small tomatoes
Step one

The paste - this step really makes the difference with this curry

  1. fry 2 green chili's 1/2 of the onion, curry leaves, ginger/garlic paste and whole garam masala, has coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cardamon, bay leaves, till golden brown 
  2. near the end add grated coconut
  3. grind and set aside for later
Step 2

The Curry
  1. peel and cube potatoes and boil
  2. then fry the rest of the onion with ginger/garlic paste, salt, chili powder coriander powder and masala powder add the lamb and fry till a little cooked with tomatoes 
  3. pressure cook if desired for one whistle will make it tender
  4. Finally add the potatoes and paste and simmer for 20 min. 
It takes a long time and work, as all good Indian dishes often do but its well work it and you can eat leftovers for a couple of days!
For Jasmine I sauteed onion, in canola oil with the lamb some tomato and a little gravy then ground it, she ate hers, with cheddar mashed potatoes and green beans and broccoli and really enjoyed it, in fact I was amazed at how much she ate!

This is Jasmines Blankie she adores this, She went to the Nursery at church today and we forgot it so a lovely friend went back and brought it to her. I tried all kinds of soft toys with labels and soft scarfs but no it has to be this one LOL
What are the things or people in life that make you feel secure?

For me has to be God then my dearest hubby you know he's amazing he gave me a watch (not just any watch a Burberry one!) yesterday from him and Jasmine saying he was proud of me for  trying to be a freelance writer and for taking good care of Jasmine, how sweet is that.



  1. mmm, I love a good curry, particularly lamb :o)

  2. Lamb curry is also my favourite, hehe, lager please!

  3. Aw, very sweet!! Your curry looks delicious!

  4. Love the post Rebecca! My son has to have his hand made blanket that his grandmother made him or watch out. He's the same way, it has to be the blanket, no substitutes. We've also forgotten to take it to the church nursery, no so fun, LOL! God Bless!!

    Oh, and the curry looks great!!

  5. this lamb curry is very different from the one we make in the north of India...but it looks flavorful n light..
    loved to read the blanket story...we should respect the love of our child to strange things..cuz sometimes they are strange for us but your child seeks comfort n security in the strange looking object...isn
    't it?

  6. hey rebecca i am not getting your feed on my reader , am i visible on your followers list...
    you can choose to not publish this comment ..lolz

  7. OMG, your sweetheart actually bought you a Burberry watch! How sweet! You're a lucky girl. I'm so

  8. I love a good lamb curry--this one looks delicious. Nice post and so sweet of your husband too!

  9. I have not had a lamb curry, but it sure sounds delicious!

  10. Oh wow....that's an aromatic and flavourful curry....

  11. I love curries but I've never had lamb must taste great!

  12. Kristin; curry rocks!
    Kenny: he he
    Girlichef: thanks
    diana: thats too funny post a pic of his blankie!
    Sangeeta:HI Sangeeta I changed my url to thanks for the comments you will have post the North Indian Versian lol
    my little space: I am blessed
    Deb: thanks
    Donna: you will have to try its hot and spicy!
    Kitchen Flavours: thanks
    Peachkins: thanks

  13. Delicious curry! My kitty is my security blanket!

  14. Your curry dish looks so good! I haven't had lamb curry, I'll have to try it!

    I don't know what item makes me secure. Hmm. I'll have to ponder this. Maybe my rings. I feel like something is missing if I forget to wear them. :0)

  15. Hey Rebecca... i love curry a lot, u know, i got this things with me 'a restaurant in never good without good curry...' its happened because most restaurant here in Brunei selling curry... ;)

  16. het rebecca..your new url leads to a bible site...what's wrong?? and i am not able to get your feed even now...can you tell me what's the problem...

  17. Sangeeta: have tried adding you as a friend, maybe try stopping following me and clicking the follow icon again maybe it will reset itself so sorry I don't know
    Chef Nash: thanks for stopping by cool to be in touch with professional chefs!

  18. Reeni: so cute, love your cat I know why Moon would be security
    The Ungourmet; I guess your wedding ring! thanks

  19. there is some problem which i am not able to's not allowing me to click on the followers icon, nor it is allowing me to stop following .
    may be you can block me from your followers list...then we can see...
    i am

  20. I know it's summer and it's like 90 degrees out there... but it's never too hot for a delicious lamb curry!!

  21. Sangeeta: I am sorry but I think if I block its permanent


    Denise: thanks for visiting, oh yeah its a good heat he he


  22. Yummy your lamb curry look delicious


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