My Local Indian Store: Om Indian Groceries

I thought I would take you on a quick tour of my local Indian Grocery store, Om Indian Groceries 
1575 Hanes Mall Blvd
Winston Salem, NC 27103
(336) 794-8000

It is 5 min from my house, its very clean and well laid out, with great management.

Frozen chappati and vegetables, I love Drumsticks as they are great in Sambar and its hard to get fresh, also a great place to get fresh frozen coconut.
Here are two staples in Indian cooking spicy green chilis and curry leaves

Pickles, and types of flour for those on a gluten free diet Indian stores have great gluten free flours made from rice or lentils, at much lower prices.

Indian shampoos and soaps, there is also a South Indian coffee filter, I got one, recipe to follow, my husband told me I paid too much and we should have got his mom to bring it aw well!

Indian Ladies Tops, they also plan to start selling Jewelery 

Indian Movies from the North - Hindi (my Favorite ones, I am a traitor as my hubby is South Indian!, watch some they are very good) and the South.

Lots of biscuits I think us Brits taught some bad habits he he, oh and they even have McVities a famous British brand, I like it even more!

Cadburys chocolate from England, where it originated, and in my humble opinion the best LOL

Indian Sweets

Homemade Idly/Dosa mix, now this is cool as if you look here

they take a long time to make!, I had this this evening with lamb curry, recipe to follow. They also have homemade curries from a local lady.

Indian vegetables, if your local they have a delivery on Thurs in fact most can be grown in Florida where the climate is like India

All kinds of lentils and dried beans, the healthiest part of the store.

All different types of rice, in big bags as most Indians eat a lot of rice!

Our supper, lamb curry (recipe to follow, otherwise this post will be very long!) and dosa.

Hope you enjoyed your tour any questions feel free to comment, I highly recommend paying a visit to your local Indian store.


  1. Lucky you! Such a nice store nearby!!! I'd have Indian food every day if I had a store like this near my place. Thanks for sharing, Rebecca, have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. It looks like you have a great store there. I am lucky too that we have a pretty good Indian store here. It is fun to shop and find all the different ingredients.

  3. Hi Rebecca,

    Thank you for visiting.

    Your blog is very interesting and informativ.Compliment
    Have a wonderful Sunday !

    Greetings from Nuremberg Jacob

  4. Kenny: have a great sunday also Kenny
    Deb: yep and I bet you have the guts to buy new things and try them, which is very cool
    Jacob: thanks I love Germany by the way lol

  5. The store got almost everything you need! And the chappati looks great! I love chappati as well. Do you have Asian food store as well??

  6. We love indian food! Looks like a great store.

  7. The filter from the store??!!!-you should have waited for MIL!!!
    Anyway-can't wait to read about the coffee you make with it.Ask hubby to teach you how to make it frothy(South Indian style) ;-)
    BTW-watch "A wednesday"-you'll like it!

  8. That is a very well-stocked Indian store. I wish there was one near me!

  9. My little space: yep Asian 30 min as well love it there also,
    Sweta: I know your right, Oh I think I have seen wednesday its awesome.
    Erica: i know I am lucky
    Palidor: thanks for stopping by its a good place

  10. Ahhhh, I love it here ~ It is so much fun to visit grocery stores like that. At least YOU know what you're doing!! I look at everything and wonder what it is and how to use it. I still have fun though. It's so cute that you call cookies "biscuits" - I love that!!!! I'm glad you stopped by the blog because I was going to stop by yours and let you know you were entered in the giveaway just for being a follower. Hope you have a good weekend ~

  11. What a nice store! I wish I had one near me!

  12. The imperfect housewife: he he biscuits imagine how confused I was when I first came to the south
    Reeni: i am lucky

  13. Oh, I wish I lived next to a store like that.
    Funny, I'm actually in the middle of cooking an Indian dinner with my friends ;)

  14. i am jealous of you having an indian store 5 minutes away. we have a small one i can walk to in about 30-40 minutes, but the bigger ones are farther away. it looks like yours has some great food!

  15. Olga: thats cool have a great meal with your friends
    The twins; thanks for stopping by i am lucky to have it close by I used to drive 30-40min also Rebecca

  16. What a wonderful tour. You are lucky to have this resource.

  17. Oh my gosh Rebecca, we are on the same wavelength, lol! I just found my local Indian store 3 days ago and have been dying to visit! Can't wait :)

  18. Nicole; pleased to have you along, thanks for stopping by
    Diana: have fun will be excited to see what you cook LOL

  19. This is great! I have a mango mousse cake I make with Indian mango, their ingredients are so delicious.

  20. Great post!
    One of my favourite things about living here in the UK is that we get Indian stores pretty much everywhere which means I get to spend hours in the kitchen experimenting with the spices!

  21. Kelsey B: wow your cake sounds amazing is it on your site?
    CSUK: I know I remember I used to live near burnley lots of Pakistanis around there, oh and you can get so much even in ASDA right? lol


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