Nourish's Midori Glazed Halibut Recipe is Featured on Alaskan Seafood Harvest

The lovely Amanda of Nourish let me use a seafood recipe for the Alaskan Seafood blog, so I eagerly went through her Archive and found this one. Its a great recipe and was also featured on the foodbuzz top 9!
I emailed her for a photo but she stated it was so good, her husband ate it before she got a chance to take a picture. How many times has that happened fellow foodies he he!

She's a fellow dietitian and lives in Canada, check our her blog she also adds awesome nutrition tips here

here's the recipe, feel free to check it out

oh but I still love my car, even tough I need to get new brake pads at a high price, what to do?


  1. Oh, this happens to me all the time! I am so much into cooking and enjoying the food with friends .. that I forget to take a picture to share it with readers in the blog!

  2. wow...i love halibut. great recipe...i am going to check out her site.

  3. Midori, not just for drinks anymore...

    What a creative use of a great product.

  4. Thanks for the link to a great fish recipe. I love halibut.

  5. a world in a pan: I guess all food bloggers do it lol
    Miranda: it is really good
    Larry: will tell her
    Judy: no problem



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