Strong Sun Festival Pow Wow

There was a pow wow, a Native American Indian get together at historic Bethabara park in Winston Salem today with singing and dancing, story telling and crafts. I went with Jasmine shame it was so hot, couldn't stay long. 
We saw the dancers and heard a wonderful story teller who played little carpenter a famous Cherokee in the 1800's he retold how it was to live in those times and explained their customs, very neat. If you look very closely you will see a string in the back, he was roasting a turkey over the fire, the original rotisserie!

The story teller

We chatted to folks and found out that there were native Americans there from as far away as Oregon! and Florida, pow wows are often a time to have a vacation and meet other Native American Indians and to educate us!!

Jasmines new toy!
So if you have a pow wow in your area I highly recommend it, also the Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC is well worth a visit. Its great to learn about other cultures and America's original people. Oh and the Museum in DC features food from each tribe very cool for all us foodies!


On a final note I wanted to pass this award on to Kristy of My little Space in Malaysia as I thought she deserved an award and I wanted her to post 7 things about herself! Love Rebecca


  1. Sounds like a good time. Jasmine looks so cue playing with her toy!

  2. Sunds like you and jasmine had fun!

  3. Your daughter is adorable!

  4. On the occasion of our 100th post, You are invited to take part in a fantastic giveaway of the week.

  5. What a neat festival!! I wish we had a similar festival around here. Our festivals just focus on wine, beer, and ribs :) I like to learn things while I'm having a good time, therefore festivals such as that one are really the best in my opinion!

    Oh, and your daughter looks so happy,and precious!

  6. I've been to many pow wows - I have Native American ancestry. They are lots of fun - it's great to see the crafts and way of life. Your daughter is so cute!

  7. Oh my god! I'm going to get an award from Rebecca. Thank you so much for the award and I am so pleased. Thank you, Rebecca.

  8. What fun-have never been to one!Will be on the look-out now :)

  9. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Jasmine is absolutely adorable.

  10. How fun! Jasmine is such a pretty little girl!

  11. Jenn: she loves it
    Peachkins: we did love being her mum
    Hummingbird appetite: thanks
    Rekha: will check it out
    Gina:was fun, hope you find one
    Reeni: thats neat, oh and thanks
    my little space: you deserve it
    thanks Mary
    Sweta:hope you find one, I meet folks from Oregan there so i bet you will LOL
    LickedSpoon thanks
    Krista: thanks
    Ungourmet: thanks Rebecca

  12. I went to one many years ago and it was a wonderful time. That little dumpling of yours is beyond cute!

  13. I would so love to go to a festival like that.. sounds like a blast

  14. Cool, I love festivals like this, and would love to eat some of his chicken!

  15. Donna: was fun
    Chef E yeah I beat its great slow roasted like that

  16. HI Rebecca,
    We went to a pow wow last week at the Pequot Museum in CT. The kids had such a great time! Are you on twitter?


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