Thank You Food Buzz for Spotlighting Little me!

Diana of a little bit of Spain in Iowa tweeted me this morning I never thought I would say that but hey everyone is doing it!, and told me my little mug was on the homepage of foodbuzz. Sure enough there I was and spotlighted very neat. 

I adore foodbuzz, one of the best communities I have joined I have meet so many awesome foodies from around the globe kenny from Chic Eats, Donna from My Tasty Treasures, Girlichef, Gera of Sweet Foods, My little Space, hummingbird appetite, Natashya of 5 Star foodie, Erica of My Columbian Recipes, Jenn from Bread and Butter, Amanda of Nourish, Olga of Mango and Tomato, Deb from Hawaii, Sweta of Bonne Nutrition and this is just a few you can see how many blogs I follow!

Love ya all, I am learning so much from you all about cooking and life


  1. How cool! Congrats! I need to sign up for that I just don't know how to put it on the blog? How do you do that on blogger? Thanks for your comment :) I actually got a 2-pack from Home Depot.

  2. Congratulations, dear, you more than deserve it with your fabulous recipes and advice.

  3. yeah! I saw that since Saturday or Sunday I think. Congrats!

  4. Yay you! Congrats. BTW--the crabcakes on the previous post look delicious!

  5. Kristin: oh thats neat oh to join foodbuzz just go to and sign up,
    Teresa: thanks
    Dajana: thank you
    MaRya: oh thats neat
    Deb: just added you to the list of fab foodies!

  6. Congrats on being a spotlighted on Foodbuzz! Very neat!

  7. Congrats on the spotlight!!!! I sometimes forget to comment but I am a big fan :-)

  8. I need to look into sounds amazing. Congratulations and how exciting!!!

  9. 5 star foodie: thanks
    Sweta: thanks
    C.G. thanks very sweet of you
    Nina: thanks
    Angie: thanks

  10. great going rebecca...congrats.
    your crab cakes look yummy too....never had crabs n am not sure about trying them...and yes i grow lemons too...lots of them.

  11. Congrats! That is so great - you deserve it!!

  12. Sangeeta: thanks wow lemons thats neat
    Reeni: thanks you are so sweet I just changed me code to add third column so proud of myself he hhe he

  13. How cool is that!! Congrats little lady :D

  14. Congratulations, Rebecca! And thank you so much for the invitation. I am honoured to be your guest writer, though I'm not a very good one, he he! I wonder is it possible that it is not limited to Malay cuisines. B'coz I would very much like to write a unique recipe of a combination cuisine. As you know, Malaysia is a multi-racial country and most cuisines has been influenced by other cultures as well. So, what do you think? And when & how do I send over the posting?

  15. Hi Rebecca...yes, I saw your mug on FB too...congratulations! Just a few things: I'm your southern neighbor in South Carolina and have family in NC. Lovely state. You had asked me to post a 'follow' button/icon on my blog when you visited and I've done that...hope you start to follow. I'm adding you and with Twitter as well. Lastly, you take beautiful photos! Ciao, Roz (bella)


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