The Best Brother in The World and Brinjal Curry

I made Amma's Brinjal Curry today my first time and father in law even said super! its just me and him as my hubby flew to England the same day his sister called saying she was in terrible pain with her back. Poor thing has a fracture and has been working way too hard in the last few months and its getting worse, she's a Pediatrician and Jasmines Godmother. I am pleased he went to examine her (he is a Dr. as well) and give her a hug from us. Unfortunately we couldn't go as my father in law flies back to India on Sunday.
Wish we were there though he is having tea with my Grandma and Granddad tomorrow sob sob

Not to worry we will plan another trip soon.....


  1. I love the way Indian people cook eggplants, so sophisticated!

  2. How sweet of your husband to fly out and take care of his sister!

  3. What an awesome brother! Your curry looks amazing :D

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. I do hope you will come again soon.

  5. Congrats on making the curry to your FIL's satisfaction! Hope your SIL's back improves and that hubby comes home safely. My physiatrist is Indian and we talk food sometimes. He loves sweets so I bring him treats that I bake. And he always tells me how he loves curry dishes.

  6. Kenny: I agree lol
    Hummingbird: I know I adore him for that
    Girlichef: thanks
    Darnold: sure will do
    Judy: thats sweet of you literally

  7. Hope all is well....kinda sad being left behind but looks like there was some benefit in it after all. Love the curry....the ONLY way to eat eggplant in my opinion!

  8. Lovely. A great thing for you hubby to do that. It great to siblings helping one another.

  9. This looks fabulous! How long does it take to fly to India???

  10. Trish: thanks oh eggplant is good roasted as well lol
    Jenn: yep thats what families are for lol
    Kim: he has gone to the UK not India India is 18-20hrs total flying time, his Dad is going there today, UK 8 hrs going love Rebecca

  11. I'm glad your brinjal curry turned out so good!! How nice of your husband - I hope he can help her!

  12. Reeni: oh he can hug her that always works thanks Reeni

  13. The curry looks great! I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. But your hubby really is the best brother in the world to fly there and help her out!

  14. Oh how sweet of your hubby!! Your SIL is definitely lucky to have such a caring bro :)
    Congrats on the brinjal curry-I knew you could do it!!

  15. Palidor: yep he is i miss him though sob
    Sweta: thanks love ya


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