Cool Find: Omega 3 Website

This is a neat site with lots of top Universities involved siting all the evidence related to Omega 3 fatty acids, commonly found in oily fish, flax seed and walnuts and health, with articles and newsletters you can subscribe to.

Enjoy browsing and learning...


  1. Yeah, I consume flaxseed, finally I find something healthy I eat, haha

  2. THank you for the link. I have been taking an Omega 3 supplement, but it seems research show it is better to eat the food that contains them!

  3. Kenny: he he
    a world in a pan: yep better from food, and tastes good too
    CG the foodie: no probs

  4. Great website--I love my Omega 3's! Thanks for passing it along.

  5. Thanx for sharing Rebecca,i started using flax seed meal in almost everything...


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