I have lost the Blogs I Follow: Please Help!

Hi all I have lost the blogs I follow off my reading list, and not sure how to fix it, any tips?
so sorry if I can't read your blogs at present, also every time I follow a new blog, safari closes down.

Fellow Bloggers I need you help LOL


  1. I can't help but I still see you on my page so maybe it's not as bad as you fear?

  2. thanks Lisa, I have posted in blogger help, I am sure it will be fixed, thanks for responding lol Rebecca

  3. The only thing you can do...is wait. Definitely is not your problem.

  4. I did too!! They are having issues! I think when they fix it they will magically appear back the way it was. Hang in there.

  5. Anncoo and Reeni: thanks, oh and Reeni thats good to know Rebecca

  6. I hope everything is fixed now. But maybe you search the Internet to see if you can download firefox for free?

  7. You are still following the blogs you usually do, it's just not showing up under Blogger at the moment. This has happened before. If you go to google reader you will be able to see all the blogs you follow. Hope this helps!

  8. Hummingbird: thanks
    5 star foodie you guys are awesome thanks so much for all replying I feel so much better Rebecca

  9. Rebecca, I have the same problem..
    all the blogs I followed are gone from one moment to other....
    But I do still see I am following your blog on your "follower" widget.


  10. They are still all in my google reader...but so annoying...I am used to read them under "dashboard".

  11. This is happening even with me from past 2-3 days. But it comes back intact after sometime.

  12. I wonder if it is a browser issue - I don't use safari, so I don't know. I do know I was having problems with blogger and IE8, since I've been on Firefox it's been fine

  13. Angie: so I am not the only one, and Faiza, UM Kristen I think on the mac I can only use safari, will try catching you through your profiles or reader love Rebecca

  14. I will be happy to have you visiting me again!

  15. Oh dear! You are still on my Reader.. hopefully you will return to us soon! (ps - My award Q&A will be up this weekend! :) )

  16. a world in a pan i will still visit ya
    Kelsey: look forward to it and its fixed yipee


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