Pongal: Both ways, Sweet and Savoury

Birthday Boys lunch, he had eaten some but it looked good so I took a picture!

Savoury pongal

Sweet Pongal
Savoury Pongal

  • mong dal 1/3 cup
  • rice 1 cup
  • cumin 
  • pepper
  • cut ginger
  • coriander leaves
  • curry leaves
  1. lightly roast the mong dal
  2. add rice and dal to pressure cooker with 4 cups of water and let the whistle go 2 times
  3. then simmer for 5 minutes 
  4. heat oil or ghee and add spices, curry leaves and salt then add to the pongal
This is a easy and tasty traditional South Indian dish actually eaten on Pongal (Harvest Festival in Jan, way back on one of my earliest blog posts I made this LOL)

For Sweet pongal do the same steps but in step 4 heat ghee with cashew nuts and raison's add to pongal with jaggery (raw sugar)

Murug's Mum made this and sambar for the birthday boys lunch, what a treat to have you Mum cooking for you.


  1. I always learn when I read your posts!

  2. I really love this....I think can be in Indian restaurant. Anyway is this a North Indian food?

  3. I like mung beans...sweet or savoury. We eat lots of those in summer time.

    Angie's Recipes

  4. Awesome to try both savoury and sweet versions! Sounds delicious!

  5. Delicious, Rebecca! I love Indian food.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Yummy pongals Rabecca,i like savoury pongal more..

  7. Rebecca, I think you gonna put on weight these couple of days...ha ha!

  8. This is a new dish too me. It sounds great! Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to try it sometime.

  9. Laura: thanks
    Anncoo: its South Indian
    Sangeeta: me too
    Angie: thats cool
    5 star food so good
    Erica: my pleasure
    Vrinda: lucky me
    my little space he he but I dont eat much so its ok!
    Lori: hope you do lol

  10. I like how it's prepared two different ways. They both sound yummy!

  11. Wow this is truly intriguing. I have never heard of this before but it is making me hungry.

  12. oh I've been looking for new ideas with lentils - this looks great!


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