Rainbow Spaghetti Bolognese

I made Spaghetti Bolognese Yesterday and the dietitian in me added extra veggies I am sure its not very Authentic Italian, but very nice!

  • One pack of very lean beef
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • salt
  • Italian herbs, and fresh basil other fresh herbs are also great
  • one carrot diced
  • red, yellow and orange pepper, 1/4 each
  • spinach
  • one box of mushrooms
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon tomato puree
  1. Saute the onion, and garlic in olive oil, with the beef till brown
  2. then add the mushrooms, carrot, herbs, and peppers cook for 5 min
  3. then add spinach, reduce down
  4. add 6 fresh tomatoes and a little tomato puree cover and simmer on a low heat for 30 min

This dish freezes really well, its rich in protein, iron, antioxidants and whole grains.

It was served with wholewheat pasta, lovely.


  1. Oh what a coincidence! I cook spaghetti too but without meat. Just plain tomato sauce with extra tomatoes and vege.

  2. oh wooow !! it looks so yummy and colorful dear.

  3. The extra veggies are great! Sounds delicious and I love the name "Rainbow" - my daughter would be sure to like this dish.

  4. Steph: sure will do lol
    My little space: thats cool
    Faiza: thanks
    5 star foodie: thanks, oh Jasmine loved it as well

  5. THis is awesome, I love adding pepper to my homemade tomato sauce. My daughter loves it and we do too!

  6. Lovely, indeed. Sounds delicious Rebecca :D

  7. this sounds like a great recipe! i like that you added veggies, this sounds like a good way to "sneak" them in.

  8. Kelsey: thanks, loved your post on Good Bites today
    Girlichef: thanks love ya
    Pavitha: thanks
    Sunny: thanks you must try it lol

  9. This looks so delicious! I love the veggies in it - they add great flavor!

  10. I always sneak as many veggies in my bolognese too. It's great that way!

  11. Wow...that's an yum recipe...u r blog is very different.....so much to learn....so many new things...love the way of presenting things....

  12. I always love extra veggies. They make the dish tastier and healthier..

  13. Oh this is pure comfort to me.. looks so delicious!

  14. Reeni: thanks
    Gaga: great minds think alike lol
    kitchen flavous thanks always playing with the blog to make it more fun lol
    peachkins: thats the bets way healthier lol
    Donna: was lovely thanks


  15. This one looks yummy.. :)

    Here for the first time and must say you have a lovely blog. Keep it going.Will be here often

  16. I've never really felt compelled to make bolognase sauce until right now!

  17. Nithya: great to have you visit, love your craft blog also my hubby is from Chennai lol
    Aly Beth: thats cool, thanks for stopping by lol


  18. healthy one....even i like to throw in veggies..

  19. Yum. Who cares if it's authentic, as long as it tastes delicious!

  20. Sangeeta: thanks
    Palidor: I agree by in large he he


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