South Indian Collard Greens and Remember Taiwan

Just a quick easy recipe today, Amma's collard greens, nice and simple and good for you.

  • Collard greens
  • coconut
  • mustard seeds
  • urad dal
  • chili
  • 1/2 onion
  • salt
  1. cut spinach and set aside
  2. pop mustard seeds in canola oil with urad dal and chili
  3. add onion and garlic and saute 
  4. then add the collard greens a little salt and coconut to taste
great with rice and dal.

Collard greens are a good source of Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Iron and Magnesium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.

On a final note Kenny of chic eats posted today on the Taiwan typhoon victims, it made me stop and think so I donated to world visions disaster relief fund I love this charity as I have a heart for kids and the red cross is always a good one as well.


  1. Your collard greens look yummy! I will go check out Kenny's blog.

  2. I don't remember that I had them before...but hey! Greens never fail me.

    Angie's Recipes

  3. Easy and healthy one,great with rice...

  4. the ungourmet: kenny just made a reminder to think of folks over there, hit home to me
    Angie; greens are good for ya lol
    Vrinda: everything is good with rice right lol

  5. the ungourmet: kenny just made a reminder to think of folks over there, hit home to me
    Angie; greens are good for ya lol
    Vrinda: everything is good with rice right lol

  6. Looks like a delicious way to eat our greens. With rice...delicious.

  7. I had forgotten about this recipe-my mom used to make this.Will try it out-thank your MIL for me.

  8. Collard greens look great, yummy & easy preparation!

  9. I have never tried collard greens before. It sounds healthy and yummy.

    Rebecca, thanks so much for your help and kindness!

  10. Nice on the collard green.

    For some reason my google reader didn't update your link. ;-( Looks like I missed some great posts. I need to catch up.

  11. Cathy: on and we had spinach today lol
    Sweta: will do that lol
    Kenny: no probs
    5 star foodie: was good and easy my MIL is a great cook
    Jenn: nice to have you back, missed ya oh I changed to chow and lOL

  12. This looks absolutely delicious...and a worthy cause, for sure!

  13. love, love collard greens! I was in the Army the first time I ever had them with ham hocks -- so delicious! Now I can't get enough of them and we grow them in the garden. :)

  14. Looks good! What a healthy dish!

    By the way, I agree with you about placing children on diets. The best way to help children maintain a healthy weight is to model the way for them as parents.

  15. Can you believer it. I absolutely love greens yet, I have never had collard greens. I'll have to try this! Thanks for sharing :)

  16. This looks great, I bet it would be good on all the kale i get in my CSA box too.

  17. the epicureans market wow form your garden very cool
    velva: well said lol
    collard: its a good way to cook em lol
    Deb: cool maybe I will get some in my CSA also LOL


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