Winston Salem Eats: Cities

My good friend Carrie visited yesterday so we all had a nice girlie day, looked at the shops, had smoothies and went out for dinner, we went to Cities a restaurant on Stratford road near my house. I have always wanted to go there, as the car park is full.
We had spanokopita for a starter, very nice, apparantly the owners are Greek and a Pizza, Jasmine wasn't so sure about the BBQ taste of this so we returned home and gave her Pasta, its always something she loves to eat LOL, I'll never forget how she sucked up the spaghetti in Italy.

Its has a nice buzz to the place and the service was great and its not a chain, just a good local restaurant, so check it out if your in Winston Salem LOL

Spanakopita, yummy

BBQ Chicken Pizza, they make the dough from scratch

Me and Jasmine enjoying a fresh fruit and yogurt smoothie

What do you love to do when friends come to visit?


  1. I like the new layout.

    Spanokopita looks very yummy. What beautiful pics of your daughter and you.

  2. Would you please remind me to eat before I visit this blog!!?? I love restaurants that aren't chains - that's my favorite part about visiting other places! That pizza and spanokopita looks VERY good - I'll try anything. Love the pic of you and your daughter - soooo sweet ~ :) I was just checking my blog and I didn't have your button - that's SO corrected now - what was I thinking?? :)

  3. Cate: thanks so much
    The Imperfect house: thats so much for adding the button, oh I agree I don't like chains, they lose their uniqueness lol

  4. When friends come visit me, we will eat, eat and eat, haha

  5. Awww, Jasmine's really cute!

    The spanokopita looks delicious.

  6. So sweet that you were able to have such a nice day with your friend

  7. Kenny: i like it lol
    palidor: thanks so much
    Jennifer:thanks, it was lovely

  8. Jasmine is gorgeous!! What delicious eats!

  9. When my friends come to visit! We'll go out to some nice place that we can eat and chat for long hours...ha ha !

  10. Reeni: thanks so much
    My little Space: sounds like fun, lol

  11. Have you tried their $9 chocolate cake? I went their for my birthday one year on my friend's tab. Of course they bring out the dessert tray so you have no clue how much they each cost, and I chose the chocolate cake. We were surprised by the $9 cost for one slice. However, every year we've gone since then, we've asked for the $9 chocolate cake. In 2008 my friend went crazy and bought the whole cake to surprise me and was surprised herself to find out it was made by a bakery in her home town in PA!


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