Cafe Prada Winston Salem

Yesterday after my hubby and Jasmine got their hair cuts, and were looking very cute we had a cappuccino (not the best in town a bit burnt tasting and more like a latte to me!, I like Brew nerds better) and gelato. Now these were great, see below.....

Its situated in the west end area of Winston Salem near down town, a hip and up and coming neighbourhood with cool restaurents and old houses. There are also some lovely new apartment's there, with cute little window boxes.

I also want to give Michelle of Big Black Dog's a tasty award she made Biscuit de Savoie or Sponge Cake, it looks divine and very tasty, it reminds me of swiss roll, one of my favorite cakes as a kid, It was often store bought, not sure why my mum didn't make it as she makes lovely cakes. She has an awesome blog with amazing food on there, thats why she has so many followers, be sure to check it out......

It brought back childhood memories, what food picture has brought back memories lately for you?



  1. Thanks for the award! What a sweetie pie you are!

  2. Oh, that gelato looks awesome!! I can just picture the lovely window boxes....

  3. We have got to eat here together. I only know about getting gelato at Whole Foods, so thanks for the tip.

  4. Michelle: my pleasure I love your blog
    Palidor: I know right lol
    girlichef: will send some to indiana
    T: yep anytime love ya

  5. Gelato sounds yummy!! Congrats on your award! I have been thinking of the peanut butter cookies we used to make when we were kids. They were so simple and so yummy.

  6. oh they sound good Reeni oh and I was giving an award he he

  7. We are crazy for gelato-so light and refreshing. By the way, I am also running the $10 stop & shop gift card giveaway on my site.

  8. mmm, I really enjoy gelato :) especially all the flavors! I recently saw a picture of stuffed shells and it reminded me when my mom used to make them filled with lots of cheese :) thanks for all your kind words, I sure hope it will work out :) have a good weekend!

  9. I'm back in Paris anmd when I stepped on the scale the veredict was terrifying: 4 extra pounds in three weeks. Well, I suspect the Santa Monica gelato for that - so I'll pass by Cafe Prada without even looking at the pictures! Ha ha ha

  10. I just sent my husband and daughter to get some gelato.
    Lovely pictures.

  11. Jenn: thanks will check it out
    Kristin: it will be great your so smart and an asset to our profession
    a world in a pan: oh well you can walk it of in the beautiful city of Paris lol
    selba: me too lol
    Dajana: your a lucky girl and live in the land of gelato lol

  12. I am completely and totally pea green with envy that you have gelato so close to you....I don't think anyone even knows what it is where I live....Have a lovely day and congrats on your new awards! Roz

  13. Skip Cafe NADA and head down Broad St to Cafe Gelato for a far superior Gelato experience....


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