The Easiest Fish Recipe in The World!!

I made this last night and had it with cous cous and veggies, it was so easy its not funny!

  • 2 fillets of flounder or any fish
  • lemon slices
  • soy sauce 2 spoon
  • teriyaki sauce  1 spoon
  • garlic/ ginger paste
  • olive oil
  • a little sugar
  1. simply mix the ingredients in a little oil cover the fish and bake at 350 for 5-10 minutes!
What are your easiest recipes?



  1. We had the same dinner-I made black cod with quoina and green beans tonight and raw oysters.


  2. I did something similar not too long ago. I love quick and easy (and delicious) meals!

  3. Easy is always good. My favorite easy recipe is garlic sauteed in olive oil and butter, salt and pepper, and tossed with pasta.

  4. My easiest fish recipe is the one I learned from my MIL.
    It's for sole fish (???)
    Peel the skin, put the fish in a skillet with olive oil, lemon juice, finely choped garlic and parsley. Cook covered for 10-15 minutes turning once.
    Yours looks delicious, too.

  5. I did something similar when I am busy with my tasks. It's really simple and fast.

  6. Easy yet delicious! I love dishes like this that are full of flavor but don't take long to make.

  7. Great recipe! We don't ever eat flounder, it's definitely not one of the popular fish around here, but I bet it's good!
    My favorite easy recipe is any type of wrap, or stir fry!

  8. Guess what? Yesterday, I had salmon with teriyaki sauce at a Japanese restaurant! Love teriyaki sauce :)

  9. Esme: oh that sounds so good is it going to be on your blog?
    gaga: quick is so good
    fresh local and best:oh i like that one
    Dajana: great recipe oh I think flounder is the American word for sole
    Master thin: clever minds think alike
    Palidor: i agree
    Gina: stir fries rock!
    Selba: thats cool

  10. Ooh, that looks so good and tasty! I'm always looking for new ways to make fish. Will definitely try this!

  11. Sounds yummy! Love how easy it is.

  12. I might even have all those ingredients in the house already. I am still getting organized after the move. You never know what you have accumulated in a kitchen until you have to start from scratch. A recipe calls for something you would think you have, but no, then it's back to the store. We had to remember things like vanilla, baking powder, vinegar, olive oil, we just didn't have it. My easiest recipe is baked marinated tofu with brown rice or couscous (to be mroe complex I do a spaghetti squash which takes a little longer) and steamed veggies. It's my signature dish being a vegetarian and all.

  13. That does look really simple. I think I'd add some herbs and maybe freshly ground ginger?

  14. Love fish in any form...this looks absolutely delectable. Can't wait to try this in my kitchen...thanks.

  15. Melinda: i agree
    olga: great tips
    Malar thanks for stopping by thanks

  16. Wow, thanks! I get intimidated to cook fish and this seems pretty manageable - thanks!

  17. Yes, indeed...the easiest fish dish ever...he he!


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