How Much Sun Do We Need for Vitamin D

JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION, so we all get enough of these much needed vitamin,

This was in the peoples pharmacy in the LA times, we need at least 10-15 min a day of sun exposure a few times a week, to the face and hands of light skinned people. In the winter its harder and dark skin people need more, so a supplement may be needed.
This is the time needed to make 10,000 IU from sun conversion.


  1. Thanks, Reb!! Always something informative and useful to share...thanks for looking out for us :)

  2. Last year, when I was living in California, I had too much sun exposure. There was one particular day while gardening my skin browned so much that when I returned home, my husband didn't immediately recognize me! LOL!

    I didn't have that problem this year. I take fish oil for vitamin A and D.

  3. It's more psychological for me. I do need sunlight or I get a wee bit sad!

  4. Good to know. I think I need more than just a few minutes. I tend to be a grump without lots of sun to play in.

  5. I'm horrible at getting sun exposure!!! I'm like a vampire!

  6. girlichef: my pleasure
    fresh local and best: oh you poor thing, that must have hurt
    Claudia: i hear you lol
    foodie with a little thyme: i so love you all and your comments they make me smile
    Reeni: oh i am scared of you now!!

  7. Just covered this in my class with my students this week. Also, in religions and cultures where women often are covered up, they risk deficiency.

  8. Wow! Thanks for sharing this. Glad to know.

  9. Melinda: very true I used to work with muslims who were fully covered in the Uk

  10. Great info,Rebecca!I was reading abt Vit D in NYT sometime back!

  11. first time here!! You have nice blog girl and yummy recipes!!

  12. shri: its a hot topic right now lol
    chakhlere welcome, pleased u like it will check out yours


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