Spicy Edamame and a treat!

I got Edamame last week in my farm box, they are soybeans and very healthy rich in protein, fiber, vitamin K, folate and omega 3.  I have never bought it before and didn't know what to do with it, but fear not we have the internet, so I got some idea's and came up with this:

  • 2 big bunches of edamame, clean and get the pods of
  • salt
  • masala powder to taste
  • oregano
  1. boil the edamame in water for about 10 min, then remove the little beans from the pods
  2. heat canola oil in a pan with some salt, masala powder, curry leaves and oregano, then stir fry the edamame for about 5 minutes
Thats it so simple good to accompany a meal or as a tasty high protein and filling snack.
 and heres a treat for you all our daughter used a spoon all by herself today, I am so proud of her....


  1. Mmm...i love edamame. I sometimes like to snack on them on the afternoon.

    Jasmine is so cute. You must be a proud mama.

  2. This is a great variation on an old favorite!

  3. Great movie! Congrats to you and to Jasmine.

    Our family loves edamame. My son even takes it in his lunch box to school.

  4. I really like edmame. I have never prepared it myself but it looks pretty easy,

  5. She did such a nice job with using her spoon! What a cutie! ;0)

    Yum! I love edamame. I bet the masala powder was so great on this!

  6. Jasmine is growing up! I'm sure you're proud of her.

  7. I've never seen or eaten edamame.
    Jasmine is doing great, the little pumpkin is getting big, so sweet

  8. I have some in the freezer that I have to make soon. Jasmine is adorable.-Tien

  9. I've never had edamame like that - looks great!

  10. Well hello again! So I think I lost your blog when you moved domains...as I had thought you were gone! Hmm..well I'm glad you are still blogging :) And LOVE the video!! Congrats to Jasmine!

  11. Isn't it great when a little one does something new? Such excitement for the parents. A cutie pie who will eat edamame.

  12. Jenn: oh great idea for a healthy snack, I am thanks will be you one day lol
    Fresh local and best: my new favorite!
    foodie with a little thyme: oh great lunch box idea, will remember when she goes to school
    girlichef;thanks i know he he
    Melinda: u will love it
    Velva: i was surprised at hoe easy it was
    the ungourmet: cute baba oh masala powder is good on anything he he
    my little space: we are so proud
    dajana:you will have to look for some, thanks
    palidor; thanks
    Tien: oh thats a good thing to keep in freezer
    simply life: thanks
    Gina: i lost you as well, but we found each other again we RDS should stick together!
    sweet and savory good baby snack lol

  13. Oh my word - that video was SOOOOO adorable - yay, Jasmine!!!! I just love your voice - do some more videos where you just talk so I can listen to your accent! We discovered edamame about a year ago and we steam it in the pods with some kosher salt and then eat it as a snack. It's kind of fun to pop them out of the pod and eat them. YUMMMM ~ ♥

  14. Thanks so much for visiting me all the way over in Africa :) Your blog is lovely - it has a great selection of healthy food (I've never tried Edamame) - I'll be back soon !
    Bye for now
    Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa

  15. i love edamame, what a great variation!

  16. I have to find out if I can get edamame here in France. I need to go to a speciality food market and I'll try your recipe.

  17. the imperfect housewife: he he i bet Jasmine will sound like a lil American though!
    lynda your blog rocks'
    Teresa thanks
    Laura hope u find some lol

  18. Edamame, yummy! Your little Jasmine is getting so big, darling :)

  19. Jasmine is so beautiful!!!I love that video.

  20. I've never cooked edamame, looks interesting. I laughed at your video, yes I do believe banging your spoon on the tray is more fun than putting the food into your mouth. She is a star!

  21. Diane: thanks, i know shes growing fast
    Erica: thanks
    Janice: shes so funny

  22. How sweet!! She's so precious!! And these edamame sound delicious!

  23. I always make sure to have some frozen edamame bags in the freezer,that way I can add them to soups or salads, or just eat them plain.

    I like this new idea I never thought about.

  24. heidi oh what a great thing to have on hand, will put some in my freezer now!

  25. Yummy! I can't wait to share them with my kids. The video is adorable!

  26. My sister loves edamame, but I have not gotten into it, although it is very healthful. I must try some.

  27. Chris thanks for stopping by and thanks
    Judy: you will love it


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