
I made the time to do some simple yoga stretches today and left the ironing for later!, It felt so good, I used to do it a lot before baby Jasmine. I was thinking about what I said in the interview for woman's health and that we all need to make time for ourselves!
I am so guilty of not doing this, but let me tell you just 15- 20 minutes makes all the difference 

So what are you waiting for make the time!



  1. I started doing my yoga exercise again after a long time, and you're right it's such a good feeling. I get up 10 minutes earlier and I'm ready to start my day after that.

  2. you are so prolific with your posts Rebecca it's hard to keep up with it ( to read them all n comment i mean)

    this is the only thing i am able to do these days....not proper yoga , though i want to do that soon, but some light stretches several times a day....considering my workload ( being a nursemaid to my daughter who is bedridden) i think it eases me of my backache etc. for a while...thanks for reminding a good thing.

  3. Dajana: good job girlie
    Sangeeta: I know i quickly blog when ever i think of a good tip!, oh it must be very busy for you, and back stretches are crucial you should get hubby to massage you as well lol

  4. That's so true! I always feel so much better when I make the time for yoga.

  5. Lisa; its so good isn;t it
    Angie: thats cool that you do it as well lol

  6. Our kitten's name is Stretch and I was very excited that you were going to be talking about her. Oh well I guess I'll just have to do some yoga instead. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. I sometimes do some exercises too. This post is very informative.

  8. foodie with a little thyme: great name for a cat!
    MJ thanks

  9. I started doing my yoga again last week. I used to do it every day twice a day! I felt so balanced and happy. I want to get that feeling back. It's so hard for me to make time now - I'm so busy. But I'm determined to get back to it.

    When I was writing my post on the Chicken-Fried I thought of you - and how unhealthy you would think it was! Then I thought of moderation - once in a great while is ok.

  10. Reeni: good for you on the yoga, I love ya and your blog, its all about balance, hope your energies get better soon lol Rebecca

  11. Loved the stretch options, I definitely need to try them. I'm feeling a bit rusty lately.

  12. Anna thanks for stopping by, so am I but we can get back lol

  13. So true - getting in some asana or simple stretches each day really makes a huge difference, both physically and mentally. I keep a list of stretches posted at on my bulletin board at work as a reminder - although I still don't remember as often as I should!


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