An Award and Passing it Along

The lovely Ozoz of The Kitchen Butterfly Just gave me this award I adore her blog, remember she did a fab guest post on cultural eating practices for us...., I want to extend the friendship
award to her, and pass this along to a few new and wonderful blogs I have started reading

  • Nat from what girls are made of, she has two little ones and has started baking and is great at it
  • Carrie from Cottage Cozy a very sweet family and heart warming blog
  • Trish from The Mad Chemist oh she is lovely and can really cook
  • Amanda from Amanda's cookin again a lovely person great cook and founder of the food bloggers listerv such a great group.
  • Mardi from EatLiveTravelWrite an awesome food and travel blog love it


  1. Thanks so much for my award, Rebecca. I can't wait to post it on my are very thoughtful! Just love to meet new friends and visit fun blogs too!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  2. Nice to be introduced to some new sites. Thanks!

  3. Congrats on ur awards Rebecca,liked the new layout...

  4. THANKS REBECCA! Will accept and post this week on my blog - along with a few others I just discovered I didn't post (I had them as "drafts" and they disappeared onto the dreaded Page 2 of the "Edit Posts" page!

  5. Congratulations. That's so nice of you to pass along the Friendship award.

  6. Congrats Reb!! And you are too sweet :D

  7. oh yes...and I love your new look :D

  8. Congrats on your award Rebecca! I like your new look! To answer the question you asked me about the borders around my pictures - the template I have does it automatically!

  9. Carrie oh my pleasure
    Barbara: i know its cool to read new blogs
    Vrinda: thanks so much
    Mardi: oh thats a bummer about losing them
    girlichef; thanks so much
    Reeni: oh that would have saved me some time!! love your layout as well lol

  10. Hey Rebecca!
    Thanks for the lovely comment! and this award is real good. I agree with all your choices. They are just super good!!

  11. Did you just delete "Onboard Snacks for Tots"? I was half way to the post, but suddenly gone...
    Rebecca, you are such a loving person and you do deserve the awards...enjoy!

  12. Hello Rebecca ! Congratulations on your award ! Its no surprise though I guess ;)... as your blog is just so engaging, informative and packed with gorgeous recipes... that are so practical and appealing to moms like me. I also love the ethnic touch on most of your recipes & I am always excited to read your new posts : )

    Oh my...Thank you sooo much for giving me this award Rebecca, I am soooo thrilled ! and it really means a LOT to me... I can't wait to put it up with my next post... HUGS ~ ~ ~

  13. Jhonny; thanks so so much I should give you one soon !
    Angie: I deleted it my mistake sob sob will email you the link
    Palidor: thanks
    Nat: oh my pleasure you have a great blog and fun style of writing lol
    Lisa: thanks so much
    Shri: thanks
    banquet manager: thanks for stopping by will look at your blog
    thanks Nicole

  14. Congratulations on the award! & Have fun.


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