Bacon Veggie Orzo and an Award

I made this recently it was really good!

  • 4 rashers of bacon
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • one zucchini
  • Italian herbs
  • 2 tomatoes
  • orzo
  • olive oil
  • one medium eggplant
  1. cook the bacon and keep aside
  2. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil for 5 minutes then add the veggies and herbs
  3. add the tomatoes and simmer for 10 min, then add the bacon
  4. boil the orzo till al dente then mix with laughing cow cheese
  5. then add the bacon and veggies this is so tasty
Jasmine and me loved it. You know I only recently started to use orzo after seeing it on folks blogs thats what I love about blogging it inspires us to try new things.

Also today the lovely Claudia of Journey of an Italian Cook who is a playwright by the way, very cool gave me an award, you are to pass it along and say 10 honest things about yourself, well I have done it before and I am honest all the time LOL

I just mentioned some cool blogs but here are a couple more new ones:

I want to give Claudia the friendship award ....



  1. Hey Rebecca,
    Thanks sooo much!! An award! How cool is that :) My first one as well. Will always treasure it :)

  2. That dish looks tasty! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. Mmm...bacon. Bacon makes the world go round. lol. I just bought myself a box of orzo. Yum!!!

    Congrats on the award.

  4. Congrats on the awards! And this orzo dish looks simply wonderful and delicious. Great little meal!

  5. Congrats on the award! The dish looks really tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  6. Congratulations on your award. I use orzo more and more and really like it. And it's so fast to prepare too.

  7. Congrats Rebecca..something new to me.looks like pulao..yummmm

  8. I love orzo!!! That looks great.....Do you eat bacon????? :)
    Just kidding, Rebecca.

  9. Jhonny: oh my pleasure you have a lovely blog
    CG: thanks no probs
    Jenn: oh so true he he
    Jamie: thanks
    swapna: no problem
    Sam: oh so true great stuff lol
    Vrinda: thanks, oh you will love it yep my mum in law thought it was rice as well!
    Erica: yep sure do but its really good back home in the UK less fat and more meat!

  10. The recipe looks really good. I love anything pasta.

    Congrats on the food blog award!

  11. What a lovely dish! The orzo reminds me of rice. Congratulations on your award too!

  12. the orzo looks so good! congrats on the award!

  13. You are getting lots of awards, so HERE is one from ME!

  14. Congrats on the award Rebecca!! and the orzo is a delicious Mediterranean style recipe.
    Yum yum :)



  15. Congratulations on the award, you really deserve it, you have a wonderful blog.
    The dish looks yummy, thanks for sharing.

  16. Velva: thanks so much
    Mardi: oh yeah
    Janice: thanks so sweet of you
    Gera; thanks
    Sabah oh so sweet of you

  17. Congrats Rebecca on the award ! and that Orzo is DELISH ! I am starving now... : )

  18. fresh local and best thanks
    Nat come on over!

  19. Congrats on your award! Just a head's up--sending readers your way Monday! :)

  20. I love orzo and eggplant! So yummy!

  21. TKW: oh thanks look forward to mondays post then !
    Reeni: thanks so much it worked out pretty well lol

  22. I always have orzo on hand but usually for soup. What a delicious recipe!

  23. Hi Rebecca, it's been a while since I've been here! I love the blog makeover!

  24. What a fantastic dish, love the addition of the bacon. Congrats on the award.

  25. y! I love orzo, but always go mediterranian with the flavors. This looks great with the bacon!

  26. Peachkins: thanks so much your blog is also looking great
    Sophie: my pleasure
    lk; oh i should look up orzo on your blog
    Donna: thanks so much


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