Chicken Curry

I made this yesterday yummy, today I tried to make a cake disaster! I will stick with the savory stuff as I am better at it, got a lovely pumpkin and chocolate cookie from wholefoods to console myself!

  • 5 chicken legs
  • some frozen coconut
  • curry leaves
  • 5 green chillis
  • salt
  • garam masala
  • masala powder (ours is homemade from India- but you can buy chicken masala powder in the Indian store)
  • ginger/garlic paste
  • 1 -2 tomatoes
  • whole garam masala
  • 1 onion.

1. First heat some canola oil then add the whole masala, ginger/garlic paste, onion, green chilli, curry leaves and coconut together. After a little while add a little tomato and masala powder and garam masala powder, coriander powder is also great, also a little salt. When the onions are cooked, blend mixture together to a paste adding water to make a thick paste. Then set aside to be used later.
2. heat more oil, then onions, ginger/garlic paste, curry leaves, green chilli and the chicken legs stir fry on high heat with masala powder till 1/2 cooked. Then add tomatoes simmer for 10 min.
3. After 10 min add the paste made in step one, turn down heat to 1, or very low and simmer for 30 min. This will ensure the chicken is cooked to perfection.

I ate this with the spicy squash and rice.

Oh and heres a cute picture of Jasmine and me with some pumpkins after our haircuts

lots of Love


  1. frozen coconut, sounds very "coconuty" which i love very much!!!!

  2. Jasmine is adorable!

    I'm not a very good baker - thank goodness - I would eat it all!

    The chicken curry recipe looks delish!

  3. Rebecca, your curry chicken looks so inviting! The colour of the curry looks so nice & creamy. So, are you celebrating Deepavali already..he he? I've left message for you in my last 2 posting..I'm not sure have you read it! Anyway, wishing you & your family HAPPY DEEPAVALI! Cheers.

  4. Rebecca, it looks lovely and delicious. I have a weakness for curry. I always say curry makes the world go round...hehe. I can eat curry with almost anything. Love adorable!

  5. It's freezing here....some good curry would be really wonderful.

  6. I love chicken curry! You're making me hungry!

  7. LOVE curry, and LOVE the picture of you and Jasmine. She is just the happiest girl ever. She is always smiling :)

  8. This looks fantastic! I love chicken curries and must make them at home because of a nut allergy, so I love finding good recipes! The picture is adorable!!!!! Jasmine is such a cutie!

  9. Delicious chicken curry...Jasmin looks different after her hair cut,she is a cutiee...

  10. You definitely are awesome at cooking savory dishes. Love the picture of you and Jasmine!

  11. You know, you're like an artist with food. I have some chicken legs out for supper tonight but since I'm the most boring cook on the planet I'm sure what we have will be nothing this spectacular!! You and Jasmine are adorable - I love that picture ~ ♥

  12. What a cute picture of you and Jasmine! I'm sorry about your cake disaster! This curry looks really yummy!

  13. Kenny: thanks
    Lululu: thanks u will love it
    Fresh local and best" thanks
    my little space: just saw your post thanks so much
    Mary: oh curries rock
    Angie: thats why we decided not to come to Germany in Dec will send some curry to ya
    humingbird: come on over!
    Gina: she adorable i know smiling
    Meghan: oh try it out lol
    Vrinda: its a wee bit short but will grow thanks
    Palidor yeah its good I am good at savory!
    the imperfect housewife: give the curry a shot its not that hard promise
    Reeni: thats why theres not many cakes on here !! lol

  14. Delicious recipe and cute girls :)

  15. Oh, yummy! That curry looks delicious!

    Jasmine is so cute!



  16. So sorry your cake didn't turn out Rebecca, but not to worry, because everyone but everyone has those disasters. Keep trying. Your chicken curry looks realy great and Jasmine is adorable.

  17. Don't worry about the cake when you can make other yummy stuff! You two are adorable!

  18. I haven't had a good curry in a long time. This sounds wonderful. Hi Jasmine. You're adorable.

  19. thanks Rosa
    Judy thanks for the kind advice I will try again!
    thanks Mardi
    Sam:I will say hi to her lol

  20. So sorry you had problems with the cake! The curry looks delicious, I love curry!!!

  21. The curry is really a opposed to anything spicy which a lot of people mistake for curry! Great going Rebecca.And is that your kid?
    so so cute :)

  22. Sarah thanks
    Jhonny thanks well I am married to an Indian it helps, yep shes my daughter lol

  23. I LOVE her name and she's just adorable! What a wonderful time in your life! I just grabbed your button/badge to put on my blog...if you want, i've got a little one too! This curry, is it nice and hot? I love hot curries, the hotter the better! ~ Roz

  24. Hi Roz, will take one but I wanted to take it and put into photobucket to add to the others but i couldn't do thats last time as you have a link embedded in it
    oh and the curry was nice and spicy lol Rebecca

  25. That is such a happy picture! She's going to set many a heart swooning when she grows up. :)

  26. this time of year for the fall pumpkin stuff. Now if it will just quit raining I would be happy.

    Also, is the perfect time of year for the braising dishes and yours looks and sounds awesome!

    Nicely done!!!

  27. Rebecca, your chicken curry looks sublime! This is one of my favorite dishes, and I will have to try your recipe.

    Jasmine is just adorable! :)

  28. Jeff: thanks so much
    Lisa: i know he he
    Nancy: you will have to give it a shot lol

  29. What a cutie our Jasmine is...I am sure you will pass on your love of cooking, as I did to my own child!

    Pumpkins is my favortie everything! Love the fall...

  30. You and Jasmine look soo beautiful! Love the picture!

  31. Your daughter is beautiful;growing nicely too. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    As always,


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