CO 2 Emission Labeling on Food

I just read a very interesting article in the New York times about Sweden adding CO 2 emissions to food labels even in fast food places see above the burger is higher than the chicken sandwich. I think this is a cool idea, but folks will still buy the burger also if you live in a colder country tomatoes are high as they are grown in greenhouses but again who wants to give up tomatoes in cooking.

I think its just another factor to consider when making a food purchase, along with sodium content and fat etc if you can choose a food that is better for the environment its wonderful.

Its neat to know this though, what do you think of the scheme?



  1. kind of cool. but weird. I'd rather see nutrition information posted, or something saying what % was locally produced

  2. oh thats a cool idea with percent produced locally

  3. Very interesting but I'm still moved more by the fat count.

  4. That's interesting. Another thing to consider... :D

  5. Hmmm...interesting. Healthy Delicious's idea is an interesting one too. But at the same time, even if it's local, it may still be covered in pesticides ;) Alas, so many factors to consider in EVERY single choice we make -- it's maddening some days, isn't it!?

  6. It is difficult to keep up. I think if I try to eat seasonally as much as possible and only have the out of season occasionally it is about as much as I can manage.

  7. Enough all ready. One more thing to worry about I don't need.:D

  8. Now that's something to think about the next time you eat!!Imagine if people are motivated at least due to the CO2 emission(if not for calorie/health reasons) to avoid the burger ;)

  9. Whoa. How interesting! Thank you for posting this, I've never heard of anything like it!!

  10. I work in the agriculture industry and production costs are always a factor. But if there is demand someone will always produce it.

  11. I love this idea. I agree that sometimes we will chose the higher one anyway, but at least we can make an informed decision.
    As a person who lives in a colder climate - I do pay attention to local, seasonal foods. But I also, mindfully, purchase such things that I don't want to live without, like lemons and olive oil. The more information we are provided with, the better decisions we can make.
    Also, the companies will be forced to make better decisions if they are more transparent.
    I love this post!

  12. Gaga: I know
    Nicole; I was fascinated by it as well so thought it would spark a cool discussion
    Michelle: so true about demand thanks so much for your expert opinion
    Natashya: oh I purchase pretty much like you and I agree its great to have the information to make an informed decision


  13. I'm more interested in the nutrition aspect of the food I eat. That's going to determine what I buy.

  14. oh I agree Barbara I think all are important though

  15. @IK - Agree with you. It's kinda weird but cool.

  16. Hey rebecca,
    I read this one on New york times. I kind of think its a cool idea. However, I am skeptical if it will work. However, if there is one place on earth where this might work, its the scandinivian countries. For sure

  17. Rocky: oh thats a good way to word it
    Jhonny: those countries are cool

  18. I think this is great information to have on labels just to make these facts more transparent. We all make food choices for a lot of different reasons, but it's good to have all the info. Great converstation about this!


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