Jam and Nutella Tarts

So the other day I had a cake disaster I was speaking to my Grandma and she was encouraging me not to give up, so I found this recipe as there is no rising involved all in all they were yummy, but the pastry was a tad dry, aw well will add more butter next time!


  • 8oz flour
  • 3-4 0z butter
  • cold water
  • a pinch of salt
  • jam
  • nutella
  • almonds
  1. mix the flour and the salt together then add butter and cut with a knife mix in cold water to make the pastry
  2. roll out then make round cut outs, I don't have any cutters as I am not a baker he he so I used the base of a big mug!
  3. add to the botton of a muffin baking pan then fill with jam, nutella or nutella and jam and garnish with an almond
  4. bake for 15 min on 400 degrees
I will send this for next months nutella challenge but I could''t resist sharing them with you all..

So tomorrow we are driving to Nashville (long drive) for a friends wedding on Saturday oh i adore weddings will add pics of little Jasmine in her dress!, we are staying in Asheville on the way home to break the journey and enjoy the colors of the leaves in the NC mountains. It seems a lot of folks have the same idea hard to get hotels there and not cheap!!!

Love to you all, go on take a tart I made them for you!


  1. Sorry the crust didn't turn out the way you wanted, but it looks really awesome though! Jam and nutella, what more can anyone want right?

  2. The tarts look wonderful, even if the crust is a little dry. Your Grandma's got the right attitude - never give up, Rebecca!!

  3. Yum!
    Can't wait to see pics of Jasmine :) Have a great time at the wedding!

  4. So cute and delicious tarts..Perfect shape

  5. Crunchy Tarts filled with Nutella and Jam... what an awesome tea time treat... sounds more than fine to me... ! I LOVE long drives...& LOVE LOVE weddings...have a wonderful time Rebecca!

  6. Jenn: oh you must try it perfect combo!
    Palidor: oh my Grandma is awesome
    Gina: thanks so much
    Vrinda: oh thanks not bad for me!
    Nat: oh I have had a teacake, night time and and one for breakie!!!!

  7. Have a great time! Those little tarts look delicious. Great job!

  8. The tarts look delicious!! Have a safe trip and a great weekend!

  9. Those tarts look really good. I bet they tasted awesome. Gotta love nutella. Have a safe drive and a good trip.

  10. Oh...have a super trip and can't wait to see the photo of your sweetie.

    Interesting recipe....never have tried nutella. I did fine a health food version of it the other day...get this...at a heavy duty Russian Deli....go figure!

  11. Oh! NUtella! My favorite thing! Oh! Jam! My favorite thing! Oh! I can make these! Delciious!

  12. Erica: thanks so much
    thanks so much Reeni
    Melinda: thanks oh yeah nutella rocks
    Trish: oh you can cook something cool with the Russian stuff!
    TKW: its awesome thanks for stopping by

  13. Claudia you can give me tips on making my pastry better!

  14. May I have 2? I'm borderline obsessed with Nutella! Mmm!

  15. You know why I love food....it so so forgiving. You know that you'll have another chance to try it again! All hail food!

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a nice weekend... Anja

  17. these look wonderful! have a great time!

  18. These look very yummy, Rebecca. Have a nice trip. Asheville is beautiful this time of year. Wish I could go with you.

  19. Nicole have 3 if u like lol
    ozoz oh that is so true
    anju my pleasure
    Judy thanks so much

  20. You had me at "jam" and
    nutella" - who cares if the crust wasn't perfect...?

  21. Score Rebecca! Those look fabulous!

  22. Nice blog! keep up the good work.

  23. jam & nutella sound like a delicious combo! Have a great time this weekend, looking forward to seeing the pics!

  24. I love Nutella on ANYTHING! Even a bit dry..I would still love a bite. Figtreeapps

  25. yummy! you say nutella and I'll come running.

  26. Tart's look great. Blame the weather for the crust...that's what I always do :)

  27. Well, never mind about the crust- the tarts are adorable and I could eat a bunch!

  28. Jam and nutella tart wow they look positively sinful!
    Enjoy your weekend and the wedding!!



  29. Dont give up. They look wonderful. If they are dry, try not to work the dough too much. That might help. Butter will make them more crisp. I find that it takes lots of practice. Of course some recipes are better than others too! Good for you for trying and not giving up!

  30. Mardi: oh your sweet lol
    Amanda: thanks so much
    sabah: thanks so much for stopping by
    5 star foodie: thanks so much will add pics soon
    figtree: oh nutella makes everything good
    hummingbird: thanks
    figtree thanks oh i like the weather excuse!
    Sophie: thanks
    Barbara: thanks
    Gera thanks and thanks for the wishes
    Lori: thanks for the tips I used butter so maybe i needed lard! he he but none in my house!!

  31. Rebecca, this is actually my first time sseing you making tarts! I bet these are extremely tasty. Good job!

  32. I can't have nutella at my house... I like it way too much I just lose my control!!! Looks great though... I feel your frustration with baking... I'm not that good either... maybe I should stick to cooking :)


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