My First Spaghetti Squash and an Award

I made my first spaghetti squash yesterday very cool, I saw it and snapped it up I had read about it on Bonne Nutrition and Cinnamon and Spice and Everything Nice. I brought it home, read my fellow food bloggers posts and followed along. I just baked mine, I turned it face down in water with some butter and Tuscan herbs, salt and pepper and baked for 45 min.
and sure enough when you scrap it out it really is like spaghetti, in fact folks even use it in place of spaghetti. I saved the juice and added to a broccoli soup I made today as stock.
I simply ate this as a side dish, the other half I am going to try Indian style so watch this space!

I got an award from Simply life, a lovely blog with amazing dishes be sure to check it out.

in return I want to give her the friendship award in fact to everyone who reads chow and chatter love ya all

Hope your having a great holiday weekend,



  1. Thanks for the comment!! That spaghetti squash looks perfect! Mmm Tuscan herbs :)

  2. OMG...That looks incredible Rebbecca...! What a fantastic, light and refreshing dish ! Can't wait to see your Indian take on it...!

  3. Can't wait to see the Indian style recipe! Yum!

  4. Rebecca, I must be honest here. I tried spaghetti squash once and was underwhelmed. I really wish I could like it. I do love butternut squash though, so I guess that counts for something.

  5. I just bought a spaghetti squash today!! Like you, it will be my first time making it. I'm super excited. I want to try it with spaghetti sauce, which I forgot to buy at the store :(

  6. This is my favorite squash. I like to make a light tomato sauce with sausage to top the spaghetti. Yum! Oh and my kids love it prepared this way too. I can't wait to see what you do with it net.

  7. Congrats on the awards. Great job with the spaghetti squash too!

  8. Congrats on the awards. I need to find me some spaghetti squash. I'm hopeing my farmer's market will have some this weekend.

  9. Back at ya and a happy Thanksgiving to you!

  10. Spaghetti squash is the best--I love adding different things to it, it is so versatile.

  11. Oh Rebecca, I just love spaghetti squash! And it is so good for you too...I am sure this will only be the start of your new "spaghetti squash recipes"! Enjoy...

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  12. Mmmm, that looks great! I've never had spaghetti squash... I always opt for my usual butternut squash. You've inspired me to try something different!

  13. Congrats on your award Rebecca :) I have yet to get brave enough to try spaghetti squash ;)

  14. Great dish, Rebecca! Light & healthy & fun combo...I guess it should be tasted a little sweet..nice flavour.

  15. Allie: thanks and no problem
    Nat: thanks so much
    The ungourmet: he he me too!
    Judy: oh thats ok I don't like fennel!
    the Candid RD oh you dont use a jar do ya, you can make it yourself lol
    foodie with a little thyme: oh that sounds very good
    gaga: thanks
    Jenn: yep hope you get some lol
    Trish: its not yet in the US but have a good one in Canada
    Deb: I added some to soup he he
    Carrie very true
    Palidor the way it comes out will make u smile
    Amana go on i dare ya !
    my little space good description

  16. Congrats on ur awards,simple yet yummy recipe...

  17. Excellent! My first spaghetti squash is still in my fridge, should make it today or tomorrow!

  18. glad you liked your first spaghetti squash. it's good with red onions and tomatoes and cilantro...and a bit of ginger.

  19. Thanks for the shout-out!! I just love this squash!! Can't wait to see what you make.

  20. Yummy! I love how the squash just magically shreds itself! I think I know what your Indian version will be - this squash does amazingly well with flavorful spices!

  21. Vrinda: thanks
    5 star foodie will add a cool recipe today for ya!
    Olga: thanks for the tips lol
    Reeni: thanks
    fresh local and best please tell he he

  22. Congratulations on your awards!!!That looks great Rebecca.

  23. Thanks for the award and kind words! The squash looks great!

  24. I want to make this! It is all over the markets and I want to do it with Tuscan herbs! Mmmm. Congrats on well-deserved award! Fun!

  25. Erica; thanks
    Simply life: my pleasure
    Claudia you can put an Italian spin on it

  26. Congratulations on your newest award, Rebecca! Your blog is so interesting and yummy! I've never made nor eaten spaghetti squash and your recipe and photos look and sound awesome! ~ Roz

  27. Hope you're having a lovely autumn season up there! ~ Roz

  28. HI Roz thanks so much I love your blog as well

  29. Congrats on the award. It must be fall with all the squash recipies out there.

  30. Esme yep its fall rainy and cool but pretty all the same lol


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