Park Avenue Potluck

When the Lovely Kelsey of The Naptime Chef approached me to join a potluck to raise money for cancer I couldn't say no, as I dietitian I have often worked with cancer patients as they have gone through their treatments. Providing nutritional support, recipe ideas and supplements and at time's particularly in head and neck cancer a tube feeding regimen to get them through their treatments. Nutrition plays a vital role in keeping their strength up and recovery in fact research shows that patients do better with a registered dietitian on the team.

Heres what Kelsey has to say:

Before my daughter was born I worked at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center on a cookbook, Park Avenue Potluck, with Rizzoli and Florence Fabricant. It was a wonderful project, not only did I work with amazing people, but the cause really resonated with me. Every time a copy is purchased a portion of the proceeds are donated to the hospital. After two years and 4 printings the original book is still a success, and a sequel, Park Avenue Potluck CELEBRATIONS, is being published on October 20th. To that end, I am hosting a virtual "dinner" party for the books publications.

So all we had to do was to cook a recipe out of the book I cooked this lovely Broccoli soup, It was easy to make and I loved the combination of the broccoli and parsley it is nutritious and high in calories for cancer patients and good for those days when a light meal is easier to consume.

I must admit I only used half of the cream for us though LOL

Smooth Broccoli Soup

Makes 8 servings

1 large bunch broccoli, chopped

1 head garlic, separated into cloves and wrapped in cheesecloth

3 stalks celery, coarsely chopped

6 cups chicken stock

6 sprigs parsley

1 cup heavy cream

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

In a large saucepan, combine the broccoli, garlic, celery, stock, and parsley. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, cover, reduce the heat, and simmer for 30 minutes.

Remove the bag of garlic, run under cold water, then press the soft pulp from each clove back into the soup. Discard the peels. Puree the contents of the saucepan in a blender in small batches, never

filling the blender jar more than halfway. Pour the puree into a large bowl. Clean the pot, return the puree to it, and bring it to a simmer. Add the cream, season withsalt and pepper to taste, and return to a simmer. Remove from the heat, set aside until ready to serve, then reheat just before serving.

So go and check out this wonderful book here's a link



  1. Brocolli soup...mmmmmm. Very nice Rebeccah, and am glad you used half the cream. Just right!

  2. What a great cause and what a yummy soup. Love pureed and 'creamy' soups. The pureeing (is that even a word?!) of the vegetables allows you to cut down on the amount of cream normally used to 'thicken' the broth....a great wait to serve veggies!

  3. Lov anything with brocoli...really healthy soup...

  4. Creamy broccolli soup....don't remember when I last had it..gotta get some broccolli tomorrow.

  5. I will definitely go and check out that book. It sounds wonderful!

    Wanted to tell you to check out my "Bejing Birthday" post from 6/29/09...I took my mom and daughters to the Bejing Hot Pot Restaurant here in Portland for her 80th Birthday. Every time I see your header it reminds me of our great time together!

    Stay Cozy & Healthy,

  6. What a wonderful soup! Broccoli is one of my favorite veggies and I love it in just about everything. The cookbook sounds terrific! :D

  7. Brocoli soup is one of my favorites! Although I have to admit I usually order it out! I may just habe to make this as an excuse to finally use my immersion blender!

  8. I am glad to see you and 5 Star are on board with this project...raising a daughter who was terminally ill I quickly had to learn to turn around healthy food for her diet, and saw so much in Children's Medical Center, Dallas...this is truly a great cause!

  9. Sounds great and for such a good cause.

  10. Your soup looks so delicious, great job. Good call on the cream, bet the broccoli flavor was more intense and flavorful that way, too.

  11. Blended broccoli soup sounds wonderful, definitely very healthy too! Nice to see you at the "party"!

  12. Rebecca...I have a soup craving..everyday. About now I am having a brothy soup. But this looks so easy to make. Without the cream and the celery. I think I will sub a bit of yoghurt for the cream...will do good?

  13. Deeba: its wonderful to be doing this with you, your pie is amazing
    Trish: oh thanks for the tip will add more veg next time
    Vrinda: thanks
    Angie: oh you will love this soup lol
    Carrie: oh sure hot pots are the best
    the ungourmet: oh its does I am getting one for sure
    Sarah: yep thats what I used lol
    Chef E: so sorry to hear that Its a wonderful cause I agree thrilled to have been involved
    Janice: thanks
    Cathy: thanks yep less cream was a good thing

  14. the soup looks great and I love the new layout!

  15. 5 star foodie oh its great to be at the party with you as well lol
    Jhonny oh that sounds like a great idea

  16. I love broccoli soup! What a great cause.

  17. Rebecca--I love that we are 'at' the potluck together! I hope to met you some day hon.

  18. sweet and savory yep thats a good word for it lol
    Erica:thanks me to
    jenn: oh its a joy to be in it with you

  19. Rebecca, I love Parsley in Vege soups. you are absolutely right... it does wonders to the flavor. What an exceptionally wholesome soup for such an exceptional cause ! You set a great example to other young women...!

  20. I'd love a creamy broccoli soup now.

  21. We love broccoli soup! This looks very good.
    Glad you received your yoga mat!!

  22. Nat thanks so much very kind of you,
    Kenny T: sending one your way!
    Linda: oh the mat is cool like the carrying case
    Mardi: thanks

  23. This is great. Im in a soup mode right now..cant wait to try this one!

  24. I like the sound of broccoli soup! I also like Jhonny's idea of adding yogurt - that could be great!

  25. figtree: hope you like it
    diana: oh yeah the yogurt idea is good
    Hd thanks

  26. Mmm...this looks awesome. I must admit the last time I had broccoli soup, I was on a special cleanse where you could only eat that and lemon water. It wasn't much fun. But this looks like a different story all together. I'll have to try it!

  27. There are acutally quite a number of funding functions going on every corner of the world lately. Juz a reminder to all those out there, you know, take care and do the check up. Always thinking of your family, wife & kids.

  28. Yum--gorgeous broccoli soup and a great cause too!

  29. Megan: oh I bet you didn't like it that way lol
    my little space: very true
    Deb: thanks Soup queen

  30. This looks delicious!! So creamy!


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