Rebecca's Mung Dal

So I made mung yesterday simple and very nutritious I used Amma's recipe with a couple of my additions its great to be having home cooked food again.

  • 2 cups mung dal, soaked overnight
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • a squirt of lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup grated coconut
  • 2 small tomatoes, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 3 teaspoon coriander powder
  • pinch of turmeric
  • a few mustard seeds, curry leaves and cumin seeds
  1. Either boil the mung dal for 15 min, with water level with the dal or pressure cook for one whistle
  2. heat the oil, then pop the mustard seeds , add cumin and curry leaves, then add the onions and saute for 5 min
  3. add the tomato and garlic and saute until it reduces down into a paste.
  4. then mix in the mung dal, with the curry powders and salt and simmer for 10 min, add the coconut and lemon juice.
  5. garnish with fresh cilantro.
When you return from a trip what is the first meal you like to cook?

Have a lovely saturday everyone


  1. That looks wonderful! I only eat masoor and toor dal - I really should try other varieties!

  2. I never really thought about it. Huh...what is the first meal I like to cook? This looks amazing!

  3. Good question. I usually like to eat out when I get back from travel. lol. But if I can maybe a simple sandwich.

  4. Oh that looks so good!

    P.S. You have an award waiting on my blog :)

  5. I just became aquainted with your blog, so nice to meet you. I am always on the look out for Mung Dal recipes. It is not a common dish here in Wisconsin, but I love it. This looks good, thanks.

  6. Palidor: oh it was new to me before my mum in law visited its really good
    girlichef: thanks
    Jenn: take out is good as well LOL
    Simply Life: thanks so much will come and get it
    Mardi: thanks
    kitchen therapy nice to meet you as well fellow RD love your name

  7. Oh I want this - hard to find in MN - but all things are possible with food! And the love of it! Very scrumptious.

  8. Dhal ! Looks sooo comforting and spicy...!

  9. Nat thanks for stopping by and pleased u like dal lol

  10. That looks great Rebecca! I love the addition of coconut.

  11. Erica oh I put coconut in alot of food he he

  12. There's nothing like home cooking! I like to make something really healthy because on trips I usually eat out a lot.

  13. Rebecca, your site is like a Marathon! I'm still far behind you...Btw, congrats on all the awards. Cheers.

  14. Wow, great recipe! I love mung dal...and the fresh curry leaves make all the difference.

    I tend to overindulge while traveling, so when I get back I usually make a big salad and a pot of sauteed greens topped with raw garlic - my post-trip detox regimen!

  15. Nancy thanks so much for stopping by smiles


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