Thai Peanut Marinated Salmon over Fried Rice and Awards

I made this yesterday it was really quick and easy to make and tasted oh so good:

  • 2 Wild Alaskan Salmon Steaks
  • 1 cup of cooked rice
  • some frozen peas and carrots, added to the rice while cooking
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1 tablespoon of fish sauce
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 orange pepper
  • 1 cup San J Thai Peanut Sauce
  1. Marinate the Salmon steaks for a couple of hours
  2. heat a little olive oil in a pan add the salmon in the sauce and poach for 10 minutes
  3. meanwhile heat the oil, add the onion and garlic and saute for 3 minutes then add the pepper and scramble the egg into the mixture
  4. slowly add the cooked rice stirring well as not to stick with soy sauce and its done!
We all enjoyed this meal and it only took 20 minutes to make!

and Laura from Little Chef and I gave me an award

so sweet of her, she has a lovely blog and always great food for her little chef LOL, also Tasty Trix gave me a tasty award

designed by herself. This blog rocks amazing food and great humor, its going to be big! and she is working on a guest post he he.

I want to pass this along to Deeba of Passionate about baking because wow she can bake tasty treats! and Sam from My Carolina Kitchen she cooks easy to follow gourmet looking meals that are healthy love it.

I want to give them both a friendship award...



  1. I love salmon, it is so healthy and tasty. I could easily make this at home and we'd all love it!

  2. This is a super easy dish that sounds sooo good!

  3. You always have the greatest salmon recipes! I'm going to have to try this!!

  4. I'm a sucker for some good salmon. Love it!!!!

  5. salmon and peanut sauce?? it sounds andlooks great, rebecca.

  6. Gorgeous! I love how simple it is to make and great combo of ingredients.

  7. I love salmon and am always on the look out for more good recipes. I really like the Thai flavors you have here.

    Thank you for honoring me with the Friendship Award. I'll treasure it just as I do your friendship.

  8. Congratulations on your award! You make really tasty dishes too. The salmon looks delicious.

  9. I'm glad that you posted the award, and thank you for the one you offered to me.

  10. Congrats on all the wonderful awards. You def. deserve them.

    By the way, this salmon dish looks fantastic. Salmon is my fav. fish dish!

  11. Proof that meals that are simple, are best. Very nice recipe! You are keeping us healthy :-)

  12. Congrats on the awards, Rebecca!

  13. Kelsey: hope you like it lol
    Ancoo: thanks
    Mathea: thanks
    Diana: oh my fav fish lol
    fresh local and best thanks
    Jenn: thanks so much
    peachkins: yep i thought why not!
    Deb: thanks
    Sam: oh my pleasure love ya
    Palidor: thanks love your blog
    Laura: thanks Laura and my pleasure
    Miranda: thanks oh and i love salmon as well

  14. Velva: oh I agree simple and healthy can't beat it
    Shri thanks

  15. L lov salmon rice combo...never used thai peanut sauce,should try....

  16. looks good!! love simple dish like this!!

  17. Vrinda oh everything is good with rice lol
    3 hungry tummies thanks for stopping by and thanks

  18. I love salmon recipes! This sounds delicious, Rebecca.

  19. This looks so yummy! Love the peanut sauce!

  20. Erica: oh i get my inspiration for salmon alot from you lol
    Reeni: thanks so much

  21. awww! congrats! love the design on the tasty award too.

  22. Congrats on all the well deserved awards, Rebecca! And the salmon looks wonderful with the fried rice. Cheers

  23. Congrats on the awards & thank you sweet Rebecca of thinking of me. I am deeply touched & on cloud 9!Love the beautiful combination of flavours in this dish. Unique & very different. YUM!!
    BIG HUG!!

  24. really felt like grabbing that plate out of ur blog! yum!


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