Australian Crunchie and My Birthday!

Its my 30th birthday today, so I made a goodie from my childhood Australian Crunchie- (no idea how it got its name!) yesterday to treat myself. This was mine and my brothers favorite thing to make when we were kids. Its really easy to make and comes from the BE-RO cookbook an iconic British baking book by a flour company.

It started to be published in the 1920's when self raising flour was introduced. The traveling salesmen would give it out at demonstrations!, and it is still going strong with over 38 million copies sold!

  • 5 oz self raising flour
  • 8 oz butter or margarine
  • 5 oz sugar
  • 3 oz shredded coconut
  • 3 oz crushed cornflakes or any cereal, Jasmine didn't like the crushing part, but maybe when she is bigger and me and my brother loved smashing it up!
  • one tablespoon of cocoa
  • melted chocolate
  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees
  2. melt the butter/margarine over a low heat
  3. stir in the sugar, coconut and cereal, I used wheetabix and oats, cocoa and flour, mix well
  4. turn into the tin and level with a knive and bake for 30 minutes
  5. when almost cold cut into squares
  6. then cover with chocolate, I used a cappuccino flavor!

The famous book
Mixing the ingredients over the heat
Jasmine taste tasting before going in the oven!

Hope you enjoy it as much as we do, and its great to do with kids.

I think we will all go out for dinner tonight then of to New York City next week with my Brother from London and friends to celebrate. Will also catch up with some more blogging buddies!

Love to you all, take a piece and celebrate my birthday with me


  1. Hi Rebecca. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    These look really good. They remind me a bit of rice krispie treats, but better because they have chocolate in them!

    Great to dig up the old childhood cookbooks. Sometimes your oldest recipes are the best.

  2. I love the old cookbook! Something from childhood just tastes better, it is so uncanny. I think I'm going to have to give these a try.

  3. Hey Reb-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
    Hope you have a great day :)

  4. Hi Rebecca. Have a very great day and enjoy it to the fullest.

  5. Happy birthday!!! I hope you get to enjoy the whole pan of goodies all by yourself :)

  6. Happy Birthday! Looks yummy but growing up in Australia, I never heard of these....

  7. happy birthday to the pretty lady..
    and the crunchies ...did you make enough for all of us??

  8. How cool, sounds like a yummy treat! Love your new header and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you are enjoying it.

  10. Hi Rebecca,
    Happy Birthday To You. For this special day, please collect the Happy Mama Award from my place :D

  11. How Nice ! Happy Birthday Rebecca....! and what a great way to celebrate with a lovely trip to will have a blast no doubt ! ... these crunchies looks marked to make with my little girl... Thank you.

  12. Happy birthday my dear Rebecca!! All the best!!!!

  13. Happy happy birthday! Enjoy your 30th to the max!!!!

  14. Rebecca, this sounds like a great treat to celebrate your birthday. Nothing like childhood memories to keep us enjoying life. Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy birthday, Rebbecca. You deserve to pamper yourself today. -Tien

  16. Happy Birthday Rebecca! This looks delicious!

  17. Happy Happy Birthday!!! {Hugs and kisses}

  18. Happy Birthday, Rebecca!
    That treat looks very crunchy, indeed!

  19. the short dis order cook: oh so true yep they are like them a bit
    Cristie: oh hope you like them
    Sweta: thanks so much love ya
    Luigi: thanks
    Pari: thanks for stopping by and for the birthday wishes
    The Blabbers; thanks for stopping by, and i am working on it!
    Mardi: i know who knows how they named them!
    Sangeeta: sure here you go lol
    Amanda: thanks so much and thanks on the header feedback means a lot
    Melinda: thanks
    Ancoo thanks sweet of you
    Nat: your girls will love it lol
    Kenny: thanks so much your so kind
    Tasty Trix: will try!
    George: oh so true my bro was thrilled when I told him about it!
    Tien: thanks so much lol
    Gina: thanks so much
    Fresh local and best: thanks back at ya!
    Barbara: thanks oh and love the crunch!!

  20. Happy Birthday!!!!That looks delicious, Rebecca!

  21. Happy Birthday my dear, and you are a baby to me :) My sister and I were talking about my mom's trade secret the other day 'Better Homes & Garden' the 1960 edition, the pages fell out and crumbled one day when we found it!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family as well...

  22. Happy birthday, Rebecca!!! I hope your day is filled with lots of love, fun and happines.

    Little Jas is so cute helping in the kitchen. I can see a future foodie in her. ;-D

  23. thanks sweet Erica
    Chef E: oh thats cool thanks for the wishes
    Jenn: I hope so will be fun to cook with her, right now she kind of watches!

  24. Happy Birthday Rebecca!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe! I especially love the picture of Jasmin, so precious! Have a wonderful and blessed day!!

  25. Happy Birthday, Rebecca!!! Hope you had a wonderful day. You made a lovely treat to celebrate.

  26. A very happy birthday to you Rebecca. I love those little Bero books, I have several, including a really old one. It has italicised writing and I can remember sitting and 'misreading' them to my Mum and laughing and laughing at the silly words I came up with.

  27. A very happy birthday, dear,
    have lots of fun.
    And what a lovely thing, to make your favourite childhood treat.

  28. The picture of Jasmine nibbling on the crunchie before it goes in the oven is very cute.

    Happy birthday and thank you for visiting my blog!

  29. Happy Happy Birthday Rebecca! Wishing you all the good things in life!

  30. Happy Birthday. I hope I'm not late again. Have a great one and have more birthdays to come. Just ignore the number. :D

  31. Happy Birthday! I've never heard of these-they sound yummy! Jasmine looks so cute helping out. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  32. vincent; I am already listed!
    Diana; thanks so so much
    Palidor: yep thanks
    Janice: so it has sweet memories for you as well lol
    Sean: thanks for the wishes and for visiting
    peachkins: thanks so much
    Divina: never too late thanks your sweet
    Reeni:thanks so much shes the best gift in the world

  33. Happy birthday to you!\
    Happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday to Rebecca!
    Happy birthday to you!
    May many happy returns! I know I'm a bit late. Wish you have a wonderful time with your family & friends.

    Love always, kristy

  34. Happy Birthday! Hope your day was wonderful and the year ahead a great one. Your dessert looks yummy!

  35. my little space: oh i love it Kristy sang to me thanks love ya
    Deb: thanks so much

  36. Happy Birthday! (I just arrived late)

    Your Crunchie looks good! We usually spend Christmas day with our friends from South Africa. Jeanne always makes her Crunchie for Christmas, (or for our book club). It look simular. I'll have to get her recipe too.

  37. mmm looks likes a pretty wholesome treat, wonder how they'd taste with cheerios or quick cooking oats in lieu of corn flakes! happy 30th!

  38. Lyndsey: oh thats cool you will have to post her recipe for me to try,
    Jenn:oh oats work very well, thats what I used


  39. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Looks like you've celebrated it well!

  40. Happy, happy birthday - what a grand cookbook. You will n doubt hand it down. I really could use that treat right now...

  41. Simply life: thanks
    Claudia: historic cookbooks make us smile lol

  42. daughter is so cute helping you in the kitchen :)
    Happy birthday, Rebecca... I hope you had a great day :)

  43. Arabic bites thanks so much she is my delight lol

  44. Happy belated birthday!


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