Cooked British Breakie

Heres a picture of my little darling about to tuck into a good cooked British breakfast, the bacon has so much more meat than the US if your visiting the UK and like bacon its yummy!

Tomorrow London and an Iranian Restaurant with a fellow food blogger, pictures to follow

More love from my homeland!


  1. mmmm yummy. We had bacon rolls this morning, you are right about the bacon. It's just not the same in the US.

  2. the name sounded sweet! but looks salty and crunchy...:)

  3. Mmm my favorite part of the full english is actually the tomatoes!

  4. That looks so good and it sounds like you're having a great time!! Be safe and keep us updated ~ ♥

  5. That's some pretty thick cuts of bacon. I think I'd move to the UK just for that alone. lol. Yum!

  6. That bacon does look meaty...looks more like Canadian bacon than anything. Mmm!

  7. Wow, that IS a lot of meat! Yum. That's like the Trader Joe's bacon, lots of meat. I love it.

  8. That's a yummy nutritious breakfast I would love too!

  9. Yummy breakfast for a little cutie!

  10. Janice: oh yum bacon rolls
    Jhonny: he he
    Amanda: thanks
    Lele: oh i love them too and the mushrooms
    the imperfect housewife: sure will lol
    jenn: oh i love the bacon here!
    Nicole : oh must look for Canadian then
    peachkins: smiles
    Gina: trader joes rocks
    Deb: smiles
    Angie it was goood!
    5 star foodie: yep

  11. Oh my goodies, I definitely want some of that bacon!! Looks amazing!


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