Dear Paris.....

Dear Paris
I will miss your lively and fun filled streets and amazing eats
Your French baguettes and madeleines and little secret lanes
I will miss the music in the metro and entertaining street performers and the waiters in black and white
The lights at night and strolls along the Seine
Oh I just hope its not long till we get to meet again!


  1. I echo your Paris thoughts. I cannot wait to return. Thank you for following my blog and thank you for writing such wonderful posts on your blog.

    If when you joined me as a follower ,you read : "How it all began" ,my first entry. You saw that it started on the plane to....PARIS!!

    On that visit I finally rented an apartment in the 7th instead of staying at a hotel. It made the experience that much more magical....if that could be possible!

    Its a pleasure to be one of your followers


  2. I can only imagine, I felt that way when I went to Ireland, and want to visit Spain...I only went through France on a train on my younger travels...

  3. Oh this makes me miss it for you! :)

  4. Glad you enjoyed your trip. I eally need to make it there sometime soon.

  5. Au revoir, Paris!! I'm glad you enjoyed your time there. i hope to one day visit myself.

  6. You must be home safe and sound.

  7. I've never been to Paris, but I hear what you say abt the good baguettes. America, shame on you for having soft and wimpy and fluffy "baguettes"!!

  8. I'm glad you had such a great time! True, it is sad to leave, but it's also nice to return home. And the next trip will give you something to look forward to.

  9. I would love to go there. I use to dream about living there when I was in high school. Sweet poem.

  10. Tell me about it! I am in complete agreement!

  11. Oh Rebecca I could sense your sadness and feelings of nostalgia... obviously you had a really great time !...Paris is a remarkable place...romantic too...even though it is a bit difficult with the little ones...! : )

  12. Ah, la ville lumiere....
    There's just something about Paris, isn't there?
    Hope you loved your traveling around Europe!
    (Well, clearly, duh!)

  13. Lobster Sandwich: oh I agree staying in an apartment makes all the difference oh and thanks so much for your lovely comment lol Rebecca
    Chef E:oh you must go to Paris, back home now sleepy!
    simply life: smiles
    Melinda: oh you must hope your feeling better by the way
    Jenn: i hope you do too lol
    Reeni: yep reached a lil while ago lol
    Sophia: he he very true
    Palidor; oh thats a great way to look at it
    Lori: dreams love them
    Barbara: smiles
    Nat: yep no late night meals and drinks aw well all worth it
    bribed with food: oh there sure is

  14. What a fantastic vacation you're having! I wish I could go to Paris! Someday perhaps...

  15. Come back againg .. the French Open is end of May! I look forward to seeing you and your family again then!

  16. you're up in my blog! (sorry, you are much prettier than in my picture, but night shots are not all that great)

  17. Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you brought me, in turn, to your beautiful blog! :-)

    Ah, Paris... Your photo is so gorgeous... *dreamy sigh* :-)

  18. Paris is an amazing city! A country that inspires us all to cook and eat!

  19. Nicole: oh well we can go back!
    the epicureans market: hope you get to go soon
    Laura: oh it was lovely to meet you maybe we will meet in may!
    Astra: oh I also found yours lol
    Velva: oh so true

  20. So incredibly jealous!! I would love to taste all the wonderful cuisine and experience all the sights. So glad you had a wonderful time! Now you need a vacation from a vacation to get caught up!

  21. Oh I love Prari and would go again when I get the chance!


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