Ham and Cheese Galettes and Awards

Galette also known as buckwheat crepes, are famous in the Western Region of France namely Brittany, they make a great easy to prepare snack, and often times were taken into the fields by the farmers. The list of fillings are endless, from ham and cheese, salmon, chicken, you can get very creative with them. Buckwheat is dark in appearance it is a rich source of protein, fiber and magnesium. It is also very filling. With the addition of the cheese and ham, you are getting protein and calcium.

We enjoyed these in a little place in Nantes and ate one too many ☺, has it was hailing outside!, I got some flour to make them at home, but I guess regular buckwheat flour will work just fine,


  • 1 cup of buckwheat flour
  • one egg
  • ½ a cup of milk
  • 2 slices of ham
  • one slice of cheese


  1. mix the flour egg and milk together with a hand blender or a whisk
  2. heat a pan add a little olive oil, and cook like a pancake then add the ham and cheese
  3. let it start to melt and fold the crepe around it.

French Flour, we actually bought another bag before flying and I got this, Jams, and coffee!

mix it up!
Cook only on one side and then add your fillings

These are yummy, and really filling makes a great breakfast, lunch or snack, good anytime!

Finally the lovely Chaya of Sweet and Savory says it all gave me an award I wish to give her a friends award
also Bella of LaBellaVita gave me this one:

You have to list the reason's why you love blogging:
  • Its fun
  • I love sharing recipes, both old and new
  • sharing my ups and downs in the kitchen and gaining support and inspiration from you
  • I also love giving nuggets of health advice from the latest research I come across in a very easy to understand way.
  • sharing life and travel with you all, its wonderful to make foodie friends around the globe!
I will to pass it along to everyone, feel free to post on why you love blogging, I appreciate everyone of chow and chatters readers, your following and comments make my days bright and sunny!



  1. I'm thinking spinach and tomato galettes! Anyone?

  2. These do look delicious and so easy too!

  3. They look yummy! I've never cooked with buckwheat flour. I would love to make these and fill them with chocolate, or ham and cheese.

  4. I'm feeling pretty full today, but I think I have room for one of these in the stomach.

  5. I love buckwheat crepes but have never tried making them. Your galettes look delicious!

  6. That sounds like a great Friday night dinner! I will have to try that soon.
    Congratulations on the awards too!
    Best wishes, Natasha.
    PS I love the new pictures on your header too!

  7. Congrats on the awards! Those crepes look delicious, and healthy too.

  8. Love buckwheat flour, Rebecca. My grandfather used to make the most delicious buckwheat pancakes using his starter dough.
    This recipe looks do-able and delicious!

  9. Congratulations on your awards. Your Galettes are gorgeous. I'm going to have to let my husband read that you brought back flour from France. He wouldn't let me bring back that kind of stuff when we were there....party pooper. Maybe this will change his mind.

  10. I am very impressed! Your galettes look as good as the ones they serve in Brittany!

  11. These look lovely! Just think of all the fillings you could use. Spinach, swiss and chicken, Avocado, sprouts and goat cheese. What a simple yet elegant lunch or snack. Thanks. I'll have to try them for sure.

    Congrats on your awards!

  12. Sounds great! I've never had crapes with anything other than fruit. Love it.

  13. Congrats on the awards. I didn't know about galettes, or French flour. These look fabulous.

  14. GF Gidget: oh thats a good idea, the idea's are endless!
    Lynda: thanks love your pic by the way
    unplanned cooking; it was my first time as well, was very easy
    Jenn: here you go Jenn!
    Deb: will be seeing yours next!
    Sophie: oh thanks that means a lot must come to Belgium next!
    Natasha: thanks so much true and put veggies nice little meal great idea
    Palidor: thanks so much
    Barbara: oh those must have been so good esp with a starter
    Sam: yep show hubby then he can enjoy the food when he gets home!
    Laura: oh that means so much to me that you think that!
    Lyndsey: oh avocado thats cool
    foodie with a little thyme: oh so quick to make as well lol
    LeaAnn thanks for stopping by and thanks

  15. Everytime you make something it comes out looking wonderful. You rock! Congrats on the awards.

  16. I love this reminds me of France, ham and cheese in a crepe or galette...perfect for breaky.

  17. Love ham & cheese crepes, so delicious!

  18. Lovely comforting food, thanks for sharing.

  19. Yummm! I've had a ham and Swiss crepe, but now that I've heard a description of galettes...it was probably one of those. And it was out of this world!

  20. Jessica: thanks so much
    Melinda: oh you are too sweet that means a lot
    fitness foodie: thanks for visiting and yep good idea for breakfast like it
    5 star foodie: smiles
    Janice: my pleasure
    Nicole: smiles lol

  21. This ham and cheese galette looks terrific! It's absolutely beautiful!

  22. What a wonderful recipe to pass along. My mind is bombarded with ideas to fill these light deletable galettes with; like sautéed apples with brown sugar or sautéed scallions & wild mushrooms and definitely with your idea of ham & cheese. Many thanks...

  23. great idea! the galettes de sarrazin are mentioned in so many French books I would love to try one!

  24. Fresh Local and best; oh your too kind thanks
    George: oh wow scallions and mushrooms yum
    tasteofbeirut: thanks for stopping by enjoy them

  25. Rebecca,

    Those look fantastic Rebecca!!!You did a great job.

  26. Congrats on your award. Ham & cheese gallettes is a great idea.

  27. thanks Erica so sweet if u
    thanks Peackins

  28. Buckwheat flour. Why don't I ever come across this stuff? I shall open my eyes wider when I shop.

  29. Yuck Yummy, I think its in whole foods lol

  30. What a fun post - galettes are awesome!

  31. Great.Now I have to find buchwheat flour. This is too tasty. Yay for you. Why do I blog? Oh so many reasons - but to find I am not alone.

  32. Kelsey: thanks so much
    Claudia: oh you can find it, I will tell you when I do and where to go oh and I agree its lovely to meet folks through blogging

  33. Can't wait to be in Brittany at the end of December and partake of real galettes bretonnes! Yours look pretty good!!!!

  34. Mardi: how cool have fun and one on me!

  35. Mmm, ham and cheese, my favorite ... and congrats on the awards!

  36. These look so similar to Indian dosa- except yours are made with buckwheat and not urad daal. They look equally delicious though! They would be sooooo heavenly filled with chocolate *drool*


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