Lunch and Versailles!

Thank you Mum and Dad for stressing the importance of visiting Versailles for some reason I always thought it was going to be far from Paris but its just a metro ride away. It was beautiful in fact mind blowing how grand it was what an extravagant king Louis 14th was!
We first took the metro to Notre Dame I adore this church its so majestic just like God, but he's better than any thing we can built so just imagine!
Then we went to versailles, and had lunch near by in a Place called Hotel De Palais the food was great, not so kid friendly though and little Jasmine wasn't in the mood to sit and eat she wanted to crawl!, but all in all she's a trooper and even happily pointed at the paintings in the palace what a cultured little girl!

Chocolate Mouse this was so good and Jasmine of course sat still long enough to eat this!
Chicken and green beans, very nice, sorry I am hopeless at getting the French names and would butcher the spelling!
Rabbit stew my hubby loved this kept saying how good it was while sipping his Bordeux!
A window in Notre dame wow

Versailles, oh but you must go inside and see the hall of mirrors and the ceilings are amazing!

So of to Nantes tomorrow for a night hubby wanted to take the TGV fast train and we thought since Life's a Feast blogger Jamie is there why not visit!

Bon Nuit


  1. Girl...are you so so so hell bent on making me absolutely pea green with jealousy?

    :) :) :)

    Well you do have a job totally worth dying for and that lunch is so perfect for the cold-y day that Versailles seem to be having :)

    Have a great time and keep em' comin' :)

  2. Ohh how wonderful trip Rebecca. Enjoy it and send me the chocolate mouse by email ;)



  3. What lovely pictures! That chocolate mousse looks fabulous. Glad you're having a great time!

  4. It's such fun travelling with you Rebecca.

  5. Why did you have to put the chocolate mousse first? lol. I wish I had some right now.

  6. Versaille is one of the most interesting places I've ever visited too! So much history and beauty!

  7. So glad you are having a great time. That mousse looks heavenly!

  8. I've always wanted to visit Versailles! I'd sit still for the delicious mousse too!

  9. that rabbit stew look great! Is that a morel I see in there? yum! sounds like you're having a great trip!

  10. Beautiful, Notre Dame was amazing wasn't it! The food is what keeps me going back to Paris.

  11. How cool that you visited Versailles! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  12. Wait am I the only one that notices Jasmine is not in the stroller, is she taking photos now? :)

    I am also dark leafy green with envy!

    Not to mention that mousse is calling out my name!

  13. That's such a lovely meal, from beginning to drooling!

  14. Looks like you are having a wonderful time and lots of great food too--enjoy!

  15. Lovely looking lunch - yum, am drooling... And you get to meet Jamie - soooo envious! Have fun!

  16. Rebecca, please tell Jamie bonjour from Sam. It looks cold there. Lots of rain in NC while you are gone. Looks like you are having fun. I wish we were with you. J'adore France.
    A bientot,

  17. GORGEOUS pics! That chocolate mousse looks sooo yummy!

  18. Versailles is GORGEOUS! And huge! Definitely one of the best sites to see in France! Your cuisine looks decadent! So glad you're able to update us on all the good eats and sight-seeing you're doing! Enjoy and safe travels!

  19. Yay! Had lunch with the adorable little family and on our way to meeting ay our fave restaurant for dinner!

  20. Hi sam (waving) I see you up there!

    And went back and looked at the food! Yeah, hysterical that the chocolate mousse is first. Was this your starter? The chicken and rabbit both look delicious!

  21. I loved it when my daughter lived in much beautiful art and architecture. I am having such a good time reliving it through your travels.

  22. Egads.....I gained a pound just looking at that lovely food! I am so glad you are out and about like that...looks a bit cool though. What a wonderful trip! I loved Notre Dame....wish I could be there again....

  23. I'm glad you decided to go to VErsailles.. isn't it amazing?... I see your having an awesome trip! just to jealous ... =)

  24. Rebecca, you sure enjoy the stay back to Europe! Jasmine must have loved that mousse a lot!

  25. Hey everything looks so deliciously inviting!

  26. Jhonny: thanks so much
    Gera: sure coming through!
    Palidor: it was yum thanks so much
    Janice: great to have you all to share it with
    Jenn: oh I couldn't resist putting it first he he
    fresh local and best: so happy we went there
    Melinda: thanks so much
    Reeni: smiles
    Lk: i guess! your a gourmand so would know lol
    Sarah: oh so true
    5 star foodie; oh my pleasure to share
    Chef E daddy is holding her he he
    Mary: smiles
    Deb: oh the food is lovely
    Mardi: oh I am so lucky
    Sam: she says hi as well love ya
    simply life: smiles
    Jamie: love ya what a treat to meet you as well
    Barbara: so happy I brought back good memories for you
    Trish: he he take a walk, I hope my walking helps me!
    and this blog: oh me to thanks
    Angie: oh yeah chocolate! love Europe
    Parita: great way to word it

    Love you all Rebecca

  27. These are such nice pictures! I hope you have an amazing time! See you on HHM soon!

  28. Oh how beautiful!!! I would love to try that rabbit stew as well!

  29. Diana: oh I bet it would would well in a Spanish pot


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