Pub Lunch and Good Eats

So we meet my Grandparents today/ Jasmines Great Grandparents !, my Grandma brought her famous chocolate cake to have with tea, some home grown tomatoes from Granddad and some smoked kippers they got from Lancashire, true foodies love it.

Grandmas cake

So then we went out to a Country Pub Kings Lynn, near Sandringham the Queen's winter home, if you want to see the house don't come at this time of year as its closed for the winter sob sob!
Grandma had fish and chips
Jasmine and me had bangers and mash served in a Yorkshire pudding yummy, can't beat good pub grub in the UK
My darling family LOL

Later I made Ratatouille with the tomatoes and lightly pan fried the fish

So tomorrow we are all going to Cambridge for Bonfire night can't wait, hope to see you all there in Spirit anyways !



  1. You're having such a wonderful time indeed. Have fun Rebecca :-)

  2. I'm curious about the smoked kipper!!

  3. Love all but especially am intrigued by the bangers and mash in the Yorkshire pudding. What a good idea!

  4. All the food looks so tasty! I love the chocolate cake. Would love to try a slice. :-)

  5. ah ! Nothing beats fish n chips in the UK...typical pub style. And that yorkshire mouth watering...glad to hear you are having a blast... !

  6. craving for those calories now...having been standing in the lab for the last 6 hours...:)

  7. What wonderful Pub Food. And the chocolate cake looks wonderfully homemade with love!


  8. Nice. I love pub food. I want some of that cake, though.

  9. I am happy for you, Rebecca!Enjoy your family.

  10. How fun! I want a piece of that "famous chocolate cake" of your grandmother's now, please! It looks heavenly.

  11. So neat for Jasmine to meet her great grandparents!

  12. Delicious eats Rebecca! How sweet to see your Grandma! Enjoy!

  13. That cake looks divine. Looks like you had such a lovely meal!

  14. Boy the pub shots bring back memories of when I lived in London. Looks like a great lunch..good food and good company!

  15. thank you all for your sweet comments we should have a bloggers meet up at the pub he he love Rebecca

  16. Your daughter is lucky to have a great grandmother. I had great grandparents until a few years ago and I loved the time I spent with them. Plus they had the best stories to tell. Looks like everyone had a nice dinner. Cross your fingers, I think we are going out for Indian food tonight.

  17. All this food looks incredible. I could easily have it all for breakfast right now and not think anything of it.

    I cam eby from Chef E's. Love the name of your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. It's great that you're habving such a good time! See you in Paris!

  19. I'm passing on the kippers, but I'll be in line for bangers and mash in yorkshire pudding. Ye Gods! Could anything be better?

  20. I'm not keen on kippers either, it's the bones eek!

    Hope you have a good time at the fireworks.

  21. The ratatouille and fish are better :-)

  22. Sounds like a delicious meal, from start to finish!

  23. The Ratatouille looks SO good!!
    Have a great time with your family-I've missed a couple of posts. Now I'm trying to catch up :)

  24. Oooh what yummy pub food! I don't think I've ever seen real authentic British eats before. Your ratatouille looks super delicious, by the way, as does your grandmother's cake! Have fun in Cambridge :D

  25. Why do I love pictures of food so much??? Let me get this straight...granddad brought Jasmine some smoked kippurs?? Hmmm, did she think she did something wrong?? HA HA HA JUST joking! I love the family memories you're making ~ ♥

  26. YUM! You always have the best look food!

  27. Oh man, I love bangers and mash. That looks great. Hope you are having a great time back home in the UK.

  28. \melinda oh its wonderful for her lol thanks for stopping by
    thank you so much for the lovely comments, it always means so much to me to read them, enjoying my family so much
    Love Rebecca

  29. For me, today it's not about the food. It's about meeting the love ones. Your grand parents look really healthy. I'm sure you've a wonderful time over there. Cheers.

  30. What a great pub! I've never seen pub food, so that was fun... and the ratatouille, I love ratatouille!!

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