Salmon, Mushroom and Spinach En Croute

As part of the Foodbuzz taste maker program we get to experiment in the kitchen with food products, recently we were given a coupon for pepperidge farm puff pastry. I was a bit scared as I have never cooked with it before.

I just couldn't resist trying my hand at Salmon En Croute, using some lovely wild Alaskan salmon. I decided to make a filling with mushrooms and spinach with fresh dill and mustard, it was fun to make and delicious and I was so proud of myself.

So next time you are really wanting to make something new go on give it a try you'll have a blast!

Salmon, Mushroom and Spinach En Croute


  • · 2 Salmon Steaks
  • · one shallot
  • · 3 cloves of garlic
  • · 1 cup of spinach
  • · salt and pepper
  • · one tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • · 1/2 can mushroom soup
  • · 1 cup of mushrooms
  • · one pack of pepperidge farm frozen puff pasty
  • · one egg beaten for glaze
  • · ½ cup fresh dill


1. get the puff pastry out of the freezer and defrost it

2. saute the garlic, shallot, and mushrooms in olive oil with salt and pepper for 5 min

3. add spinach and let it reduce down 3 min

4. add mustard, and mushroom soup

5. in a separate pan pan sear the salmon with olive oil salt and pepper 4 min

6. fold out the pastry and put the salmon in the middle with a spoon of the sauce on top, then fold the pastry around it, cut of excess pastry and seal with egg.

7. brush with egg to give a nice glaze

8. bake in the oven at 400 degree's for 25-30 minutes

saute the shallot, garlic, mushrooms and spinach and add the soup, to make the filling

Roll out the pepperidge farm puff pastry after it has thawed and stuff with the filling

coat with egg and bake at 400 degree's for 30 minutes

Just out of the oven, they were huge definitely enough for 4 people!


  1. Yum! I love those pastries. Looks wonderful!

  2. i LOVE this recipe! i abesolutely need to give it a try! thank you very much for sharing!
    wish you a sweet day!

  3. I really love puff pastry. And the pepperidge farm one is pretty darn good for a store-bought product.

    I love this! Kind of like a beef wellington except better since I love salmon infinitely more!

  4. You're so gourmet! That En Croute looks divine!

  5. Isn't prepared puff pastry the greatest! There are so many ways to use it and your salmon en croute is at the top of the list.

    What a delicious change from the turkey that I'm finally tired of.

  6. That does look good!! I've never made a puff pastry but I always see them in cookbooks. It doesn't look to hard, I better give it a try..

  7. Hola Rebeca! Thanks for commenting in my blog :D.
    You made such a wonderful job with the filling and the puff pastry!!! I can nearly smell it from here ;D

  8. La dee dah! How utterly fancy of you! :-) Well done, my dear, your Salmon En Croute looks delicious!

  9. What a wonderful recipe! I love to cook things "en croute" because it adds an elegant touch to a simple dish. Great photo illustrations, too. Many thanks...

  10. Rebecca,
    That looks delicious! I am proud of you. Great job!

  11. That looks so delicious! That's the sort of thing I can just eat and eat and eat ....

  12. What a perfect combination! Looks really appetizing! I must give it a try too. ;)

  13. Those look delish! I love salmon!

  14. Wow! That looks amazing..and it doesn't seem too difficult. I might have to give that a try soon. Thanks!

  15. the ungourmet: oh thanks
    love lives in the kitchen: oh thanks for visiting and I am so pleased you like it
    Joanne: yep kinda i need to try that one day as well!
    Anncoo: thanks
    Nicole: thanks so much
    Cathy: thanks so much
    Michelle: if i can do it so can u!
    Nuria: thanks for visiting love your blog
    GF Gidget: thanks smiles
    George: maybe I will do more recipes like this now I know i can
    Erica: thanks so sweet of u
    Tasty Trix: oh we did!
    Food for Tots: i bet your lil one would like it
    Bridgett: thanks so much
    TKW: thanks oh me too
    swanky RD:go on its easy!

  16. yummmmmmmmm!!!! gosh, i have to really learn how to cook after reading all these posts!

  17. Salmon is one of my favorite fish.

  18. This looks so good. I love puff pastry and use it often. I definitely want to try this one, and my family loves salmon!

  19. and this blog: oh your too kind
    hummingbird: come on over girl
    lyndsey: oh hope you all like it
    3 hungry tummies thanks so much

  20. This is wonderfully brilliant - all those flavors in pastry... wow! I can taste it.

  21. Claudia: oh thanks so much heres your piece!
    Jhonny: thanks so much

  22. Yumm that looks good. That is sure to put a smile on my fish loving hubby :)

  23. your salmon en croute turned out terrific! Puff pastry is wonderful!

  24. Peanuts hope he likes it
    5 star foodie thanks so much

  25. Looks delicious! I have a bunch of puff pastry in the freezer that I need to use up. This looks like a great way to do that. Yum!

  26. Deb: oh enjoy it was really nice love Rebecca

  27. YUM!
    Love salmon.
    I've never seen dill being sold like that: only basil.

  28. You could feed me anything as long as u wrap it up in puff pastry. This is a really elegant & fun way of having salmon though - good idea!

  29. Olga: oh I often see dill like that here cool right
    Muneeba:thanks for visiting pleased you like it

  30. That looks DELICIOUS Rebecca!

    I have a bit of a pastry fear, which is ridiculous as I love baking. Shortcrust is obviously easy, but puff scares the hell out of me!

  31. I am glad you gave such good instructions with the photos. It always helps. This is a great idea and has to be delicious.


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