Salt reduction may also benefit bone health

Salt reduction may also benefit bone health

A study done in Australia found that in woman eating a low sodium diet for high blood pressure had a lower rate of calcium loss in the urine this in turn may protect bone health.

They stated:

“The fall in urinary calcium excretion on the lower-sodium Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-type diet is likely to have a beneficial effect on bone in the long term,” wrote the researchers, led by Caryl Nowson from Deakin University. “This reduction in urinary calcium was driven by the reduction in dietary sodium, but longer-term studies are required to confirm the benefits of this type of dietary pattern.”

Yet another benefit to having a moderate salt intake, limit processed foods and have more fresh home made fare seasoning with more herbs and spices.



  1. I think I gotta stop adding salt on my food. Hehehe.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a good reminder to use less salt.

  3. i'm the worst with salt! great article!

  4. Yep, salt is a serious issue. I've been talking about it a lot lately on my blog, as I've become so aware of how much salt I consume, and I watch my diet too! IT's crazy.

  5. I need to pay attention to my salt intake, but I love salt. I have osteopenia and this post applies to me.

  6. Wow, awesome research! Thanks for posting!!

  7. That's great info! Too bad I love salt!

  8. As a chef, salt and pepper is my best friends. However you are correct in saying you can easily substitute herbs for flavor :)

  9. Having read your post, I can confirm my mother's teaching is right. The lesser the salt we take, the healthier we might be.

  10. Sure Rebecca, but I use moderately salt and I feel it enhances flavor! What I really NEVER ever buy is potato chips, doritos, over salted ham, fried food and all the foods where we eat salt without knowing.

  11. Well said. Our salt intake increased nearly 6 fold with that of Paleolithic diet. Very alaming, right. Your post will be a wake up call to many. I hardly add salt to my used to it, over years.

  12. Thanks for the tip Rebecca! I have been trying to cut down.

  13. I definitely agree with that said! Never go easy on the salt!

  14. Great article, i need to do some salt cutting too.

  15. Good. I never liked salt anyway. My family is forever telling me I don't put enough salt in my dishes!
    But I take Boniva too. It has reversed my bone loss. Expensive, but worth it.

  16. HI all so pleased this helped you all now in the UK

    Love to you all and your endeavors to to watch the salt and be healthy LOL



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