Tea with Laura

Today we all had the pleasure of having tea and homemade cake with Laura from Laura's Paris Cooking Notebook
It was lovely to meet another blogger on our trip, she is such an intelligent and kind lady and has a great blog full of information on travel and food with a focus on wonderful French food.
Laura's wonderful cake, oh I have eaten a lot of amazing cakes on this trip from my Grandma, to all the small patisseries, Jamie's lush Chocolate cake and now Laura's lucky we have been walking a lot and carrying the stroller up and down the stairs to prevent too much weight gain!!
Me and the lovely Laura

Our little family at the Eiffel Tower, sweet memories nearly 10 years ago we came here when we were dating now we have a cute little daughter with us!

Lunch: Moroccan Tajine with meatballs, potatoes, and pea's this was so good, I really need to get a Tajine!

on the way to the Eiffel tower we had a coffee I adored the cups and just had to share a snap of them.

I brought madeleine molds, so watch this space maybe I can be a baker yet!, the French and fellow bloggers have inspired me but watch out I may be messaging you all for advice!

Love from my second last night in Paris!


  1. Nice to have had tea and cakes with a fellow blogger! One thing about Paris- you may eat a lot, but you also walk it all off!
    (Love the blue cup but also the table it's on!)

  2. Rebecca, that's pretty awesome to be able to go to France with your family and then to meet (one of favorite bloggers) Laura. It all sounds so fun and delicious! And that blue teacup is gorgeous! Roz (bella)

  3. What fun! How sweet to go back to a place where you dated.

  4. How neat that you were in Paris together when you dated, and now you have a beautiful little girl :)

    Enjoy your last evening tomorrow night!

  5. Aww...how sweet. Funny how thing come full circle sometimes. I want some of that tajine right now.

    ps. I would do anything to be in Paris right now. lol.

  6. What a beautiful trip and you deserve it lady! Great memories of years past.....visiting places where you once dated. I remember doing that with my hubby too...not such exotic places but nevertheless...a trip down memory lane. Love the cakes....looking forward to a recipe using the Tajine!!!!! Grin. I love the cups...beautiful blue! Oh madeleine molds...lucky! I am envious...straight from France. Well have a great remainder of the journey....see you when you get back!

  7. What a sweet picture of you all in front of the Eiffel tower! And you met another fellow blogger - how fun!

  8. Rebecca, this has been so much fun following you on your travels! You are such a sweet person and friend! So when are we getting together for tea and cake?

  9. Another fantastic paris post, how exciting you were able to meet Laura! I love her blog.

  10. It's amazing how blogging can connect you with such wonderful people! Beautiful photos!

  11. Oh, I wish I could go there with my family too. I can tell you are having such a god time.
    The cups are lovely and I love your family's photo with the eiffel tower.

  12. Aw how very beautiful Rebecca. What a super trip you are having! Love the picture with the Eiffel Tower...and with the gorgeous cake at Lauries. The blue cup is so worth the click too...I'm glad you are having such a fab trip! xoxo

  13. I'm sure this would be a memorable trip for you. It's a such a small world meeting a food blogger in Paris. Enjoy your last evening. I hope I'm not too late for saying this.

  14. Laura told me that she's going to meet you on Sunday. Oh, just so sweet of her! She purposely baked you a cake lol! I'm sure you ladies enjoyed the meeting. Cheers.

  15. Barbara: oh thats true about the walking lol
    Bella: we should meet next in the Carolinas
    Tasty Trix: i know right
    Gina: life is such a gift
    Jenn: maybe you can work in the French Entertainment industry in future!
    Trish: love ya thanks for being you
    Reeni: oh it was lovely
    Diana: oh I would love to sometime shame we live far away but who knows I never dreamed of meeting bloggers in France!
    Sarah oh its a great blog and I will sob and miss Paris when I read it!!!
    fresh local and best: i know right amazing
    peachkin wish u and purple were here as well
    Deeba: thanks so much will be you in London soon lol
    Divina: thanks so sweet of you
    my little space: you guys will have to get together in future as well lol

  16. What a wonderful, wonderful trip!

  17. Glad you're having an awesome time - will see if I have time to get together with Laura in December too...

  18. the epicureans market: oh it is come tomorrow sob sob
    Mardi oh you will love her!

  19. La Tour Eiffel! C'est magnifique. ;)

  20. It's wonderful to know you are having such a good time in Paris!! and what a nice encounter with a fellow blogger!!

  21. It was my pleasure to meet you and your family. I am glad you enjoyed the visit. My post aout your visit will be up later today or tomorrow!

  22. Great to meet up with a blogger friend. Well done! I'm sure the beautiful memories will stay:))Paris is beautiful!

  23. I would love a bite of the tajine dish! It is pretty cool meeting other bloggers on a trip. My husband and I had dinner with a blogger in Seoul.

  24. Keats: thanks for stopping by oh it was awesome to meet a fellow blogger and in paris
    hummingbird; oh thats very cool


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