Baked Tandoori Chicken

This is the easiest spicy chicken recipe in the world I kid you not!

  • 4 chicken thighs, this was actually a good part of the chicken to use as it is moister than the breast
  • one cup of natural yogurt
  • a little olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons of tandoori spice mix (mine was from
  • salt to taste

  1. simple mix the yogurt and spice mix together with salt, add to the chicken and marinate for 3-4 hours or overnight
  2. bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes
That's it!
The chicken was tender and really flavorsome

My hubby even commented today how good that chicken was, and it was no work at all, this is a keeper for busy Mums around the world.

You could eat it with veggies and rice, or chapatis (that's what I did) or slice it for a salad or sandwiches!

Have a great week everyone



  1. This looks great, and love the fact that it's so easy.

  2. I really like using chicken thighs because have so much flavor. Did you use boneless thighs?

  3. Mmmm...I haven't had tandoori chicken in such a long time. I need to make me some soon.

    Looks delicious!!

  4. Now if only I had a tandoori oven, haha. :) So spicy are we talkin' here? Set you up in flames or pleasantly hot so that it adds to the flavor? I'm a real wimp when it comes to spice. When I was little I wouldn't even eat pepperoni. I'm over that now, for the record.

  5. Rebecca this is just perfect for me. Juggling between home and work at times becomes too much of a burden. And in evenings I just dont feel like cooking anything. This is so easy to make in those moments. My hubby will love it.

  6. Hi Rebecca... the Tandoori dish looks awesome and yummy. I must say though, it looks different from the Tandoori chicken that they sell here at Indian shops. Are there different ways of making a Tandoori chicken?

    The ones I see here are red and grilled in a big tandoori oven.

    But I prefer the dish you made, it looks better. Thanks for the recipe.

    Thanks for visiting my blog too. :D

  7. I like using chicken thighs too, it's so tender and flavorful. I'll have to try this recipe! It looks great!

  8. Yum! I love tandoori chicken and this looks delicious and so simple to make!

  9. Yummmmy..and it definitely looks so so easy..

  10. I have eaten shrimp tandoori last friday and I think its good..yours look terrific!

  11. I think my husband would like this recipe.

  12. I love tandoori chicken. It is one of my favorite things to order from Indian restaurants. But I don't have a tandoori oven! This is a great fix for that. Delicious!!

  13. Hi, Rebecca,
    I loved that you baked the chicken. We have to work on weight loss this year starting before the holidays. This will be great to add to the rotation. -Tien :)

  14. Oh Rebecca I have not made this in a while! I am thinking Indian and Asian outings this week will do me some good! Yours looks so yummy...

  15. All I need is some rice to go with that!!

  16. You're right - a very easy and tasty recipe to have on hand when you're busy.

  17. Looks absolutely delicious! Albeit a variation on Tandori, in respect to the stuff from a tandoor oven. But WoW all the same, i would love to eat that right now!

  18. It is wonderful to have a few easy-peasy dishes up your sleeve for busy nights. This looks absolutely delish!

  19. Cherie: I know right thanks
    Mimi: yep they were boneless but either would work
    Kenny: cool isn't it
    Jenn: you will love it
    Carrie: it can be as much spicy or little as you want it
    Anshika: oh i hear you and the good thing is it tastes like you put effort into it lol
    Angel: oh this is my version lol of course I don;'t have a tandoor lol
    fresh local and best: thanks hope you like it
    Deb: simple and tasty very cool
    Faiza: i know I was amazed by how good it tasted
    peachkins: thanks
    Melinda: hope he does lol
    Joanne: thanks so much'
    Tien: oh yep this is very healthy
    Chef E: I always get you back to spices!
    3 hungry tummies: here u go!
    Sam: we all need some cous cous is also good!
    Luigi: here u go !
    Natashya: we all need some right lol

  20. Rebecca, it can't get any easier than that! The last time I had tandoori chicken was when I was living in Ridgefield, CT. The Indian restaurant there was wonderful with a very traditional Indian chef.

    Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  21. Rebecca this looks ah-mazing. I love this dish but I've never made it at home - will have to give this a try now : )

  22. Yes! just the way I like it. Easy and tasty! I love spicy!!

  23. Hi Rebecca! This does look great and very easy! yummmmmm....

  24. Love Indian food--this looks easy!

  25. I love the simplicity of this recipe. I bet it tasted wonderful.

  26. George: my pleasure hop you like it
    Vrinda: thanks
    Paula: oh u will love it thanks for visiting
    Lyndsey: oh me too lol
    TKW: yep was soo easy !
    mom on the run very good

  27. i still have not tried anything with tandoori flavors, this looks awesome.

  28. I couldn't agree with you more on this...:-)Quick, spicy and delicious..!

  29. That looks a snap to make, Rebecca. And good too! Much prefer dark meat to white- I think it's got so much more flavor.

  30. Oh I love Tandoori chicken. This looks so easy, might be making it at the weekend, need something simple with all I have to do.

  31. Teresa: this would be a great introduction for you lol
    Gulmohar: oh thanks pleased u like it
    Barbara: like it meals in a snap nice idea for a series lol
    Janice: oh hope you enjoy it lol

  32. Yum yum! That looks so good! Great recipe!

  33. oh yum! that chicken looks amazing!

  34. I need to cook chicken thighs sometime. That dish looks wonderful, Rebecca! And easy! Thank you!

  35. swanky RD thanks
    simply life: thanks so much
    Nicole: my pleasure bet your doggy would like it too

  36. Mmm... the tandoori chicken sounds awesome, my hubby would love this!

  37. I love when a simple recipe hits a home run!

  38. Love tandori - this is definitely a winner. East, tasty and scrumptious for winter. Maybe a little basmatic rice on the side for husband-person...

  39. That would be tandoori - I only see typos after I press send...

  40. 5 star foodie: hope he likes it lol
    Claudia: thanks oh I do that all the time!!
    unplanned cooking well said LOL
    mother rimmy thanks

  41. This is one of my favorites Rebecca! I love your new look!!!!

  42. Wow...that sounds really easy and yummy!

  43. Reeni: thanks so much and for letting me copy your template!
    Angie: thanks so much


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