Chicken Stew

I made a wonderful chicken stew/soup the other day fantastic for winter, loaded with veggies and great flavors with the leeks, garlic and herbs and so good for you....

  • 6 boneless and skinless chicken thighs
  • 2 cups of chicken stock and 3 cups vegetable stock
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 sticks of chopped celery
  • 2 sliced leeks
  • one zucchini and one yellow squash
  • 2 chopped tomatoes
  • one pack of chopped mushrooms
  • one spoon Italian herbs
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • 1/2 frozen green beans
  • olive oil

  1. saute the onions, leeks and garlic in olive oil for 5 minutes add the celery, mushrooms and squash and saute another few minutes
  2. then add the tomatoes, and herbs salt and pepper to taste and saute on low for 3 minutes
  3. then add the chicken stock and vegetable stock and the chicken cover and simmer on a low heat for 45 minutes to one hour
Garnish with fresh cilantro. I ate this with crusty whole grain bread.

So go on warm yourself up and take a bowl!

What's your favorite winter food?



  1. Yum! So healthy and perfect for winter!

  2. Sounds like a delish winter recipe. I just made kale soup tonight for dinner...I think soup is one of the best things when it's freezing cold outside.

  3. I just finished a bowl of Chicken soup I made last night!

  4. Comforting and delicious!I love stews!!!!!

  5. looks very wholesome! perfect for the cold days you are having. Keep warm!

  6. YUM! I have post-workout shivers (AKA just really need a shower after being all sweaty and cooling down!), and that sounds so good right now!

  7. Stacy: thanks
    Emily: oh I agree must check out your soup as well
    GF Gidget: oh thats cool
    Erica: me too lol
    Nicole: you good girlie working out heres a bowl for you

  8. This winter, I have to say I've enjoyed many a dish with chestnuts...and pears. Delish soup! Have a blessed holiday Rebecca, love Oz

  9. Lovely stew. Looks tasty. I need to make me stew. I'm hungry again.

  10. New look looks cool Rebecca!! Also the stew is extremely delightful for the winters.

  11. perrrfect! Have you got a bowl left ? :)

  12. I wonder if you had me in mind for this...still no appetite, oh I refuse to stay down...and you know soup is my middle name :)

  13. This looks more like chicken stew soup LOL! But I'm sure it taste wonderful with all those ingredients in it. Such comporting meal! Thanks for sharing. Btw, in case I memory space is really small, I would like to wish you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Hope you'll have a wonderful time with your family & friends. & make sure you have lots of fun.
    Best Wishes, Kristy

  14. So perfect for this chilly weather. And with crusty bread! Perfection.

  15. kitchen butterfly: thanks so much oh chestnuts I have never cooked with them, I should try
    Jenn: smiles
    Anshika: thanks so much lol
    Angie: thanks appreciate it
    Jhonny: heres yours
    Chef E so sorry will keep praying you get better soon
    Kristy:thanks the same to you
    Natasha: thanks smiles

  16. When it's cold outside, nothing tastes better than a good winter stew. This one looks fantastic.

  17. This sounds and looks delicious Rebecca!
    Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! :)

  18. Nothing like a warm chicken stew on a cold winter night. Looks delicious.

  19. Joanne:thanks so much
    oh the same to you Catherine
    fresh local and best oh thanks it was easy as well

  20. Merry Christmas Rebecca!.... =) keep up all the yummy food!

  21. Your stew looks delicious! I was just thinking it was time for a good stew. You know me I am always up for a bowl of soupy goodness--especially here visiting Portland in the colder weather! ;-)

  22. A great stew for the weather :-)It's snowing here in Colorado...Wish you and your family a Merry X'mas, Rebecca !!!

  23. A chicken comforting dish that tastes gorgeous all the year :)

    Happy Holidays!!



  24. I love stews this time of year. And I've also been really into mashed sweet potatoes, I don't know why. And fyi I am on facebook under Unplanned Cooking. I just became a fan of yours :).

  25. Yumm that looks like a great one to try on cold rainy days. I cant say snow here hahahah have a great week end and happy holidays

  26. My favorite winter food is definitely soup! I've been making lots of soup lately. :) Your chicken stew looks so warm and delicious. Yum!

  27. and this blog: thanks so much
    Deb: oh you will have to give it a try up there in Portland
    Gulmohar: oh its going to be a white Christmas for you lol
    Gera: thanks so so much
    unplanned cooking will also find you on facebook lol
    Peanutts: no snow I wonder why! LOL thanks for following along great to know you
    Sook: oh thanks so much

  28. yumm! stew is the perfect winter food--my mom is making her famous stew for christmas eve tomorrow night. definitely adding this recipe to my "must try" list! thanks and happy holidays!

  29. Lots of healthy ingredients, right up my alley!

  30. Kristen: have a great Christmas eve and enjoy your mums stew LOL
    Mother Rimmy: thanks

  31. This looks like it will warm the bones on a blustery day! It will be a nice change of pace from my 2+2 Tequila Chili ... which really takes the chill off. ;)

  32. I love, love, love chicken soups/stews. Thanks for this recipe and Merry Christmas

  33. Caveman cooking of that chili sounds great
    Sophie thanks so sweet of you
    Lea Ann: me too thanks

  34. I've been wanting to check this recipe out and so glad I finally did! What a great chicken stew! So healthy and nourishing, yummmy!

  35. .I think soup is one of the best things when it's freezing cold outside.

    How to make a website

  36. Diana: thanks so much
    Prashant thanks I agree


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