Easy Peasy Roast Spuds

After all the cooking of Christmas dinner some easy recipes are in order, this is a simple way to roast potatoes with minimal effort and maximal flavor!!


  • 7 quartered red potatoes
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • one- two tablespoon of Italian seasoning

  1. Simply combine the ingredients and bake at 350 for 45 minutes!
What's your favorite way to fix potatoes?

Me and Jasmine opening Christmas Presents with my little Dog at the side! What fun, she got some great gifts and we spent the day with our lovely American friends.

Hope your day was filled with happy memories have a great weekend



  1. Those spuds look wonderful! I love roasted taters : )

    Merry Christmas!

  2. give me those potatoes - and what fun it is to open presents with a child!

  3. Cant get enough of potatoes :) I love roasted in their jackets with a little spice and also mashed potatoes.

  4. Rebecca, looks like you girls were having a blast opening Santa's delivery. And the 'spuds' look awesome.

    So, what are you going to do for your American Boxing Day; headed out to Central Park for some ice skating?

  5. There are going to be many simple recipes (salad anyone?) in my near future! These potatoes look awesome. Your daughter is SO cute :D

  6. Prevention RD: heres ya some, lol
    Kenny: some for you too lol
    lululu: thanks so much
    doggybloggy: oh its wonderful must soak up every moment while shes little
    peannuts: oh mashed with cilantro/coriander is good as well
    George: was lovely I live in Winston Salem NC by the way I just visited NYC recently LOL
    Joanne: salad sounds good thanks we adore her

  7. Those roast potatoes look delish. I love sweet potatoes baked in fry form. :-)

  8. What a beautiful photo of you and Jasmine. Have a blessed Christmas Rebecca. God bless and take care. Lots of love and hugs, Oz

  9. Rebecca, the roast potatoes look so good! And I want some too.

  10. We to had so much fun with the family kids, all eleven of them, so little, some teenagers...wrapping paper flies wildly!

    You two are, three, are so cute!

  11. Kitchen Butterfly oh thanks so much so lucky to know you
    AngieL here you go my friend
    Chef E oh its wonderful watching kids opening presents smiles

  12. OOOHH!! Delicious potatoes, and what a FANTASTIC photo of you two!!

  13. it looks like you had a great holiday! The potatoes look wonderful.

  14. Lucky Jasmine... lots of presents for her huh! You get any or not?

  15. donna thanks so much smiles
    thanks Sook
    my little space: yep i got some but kiddies always gte more smiles

  16. I love that video- I just had a mmoment to watch it., You are so sweet.

  17. Loved the potato roast. Easy and flavorful.

  18. Lori: thanks so much Lori
    chakhlere: oh thanks give it a try sometime

  19. Roast Potatoes are so delicious. I don't put garlic in mine.

  20. You are so cute! And the potatoes look great too ;-D

  21. That's a nice photo of both of you. Roast potatoes are always welcome. :D

  22. aww! It looks like you gals are having loads of fun! :-)

    Potatoes look delicious! I too like the red potato, and with a little mustard seed, turmeric, green chili and garlic.

  23. Janice: thanks try garlic lol
    thanks Amanda
    Divina: thanks oh love spuds
    Didan: like potato curry of love that

  24. Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2010 :)
    once again jasmine is soooooo cute :D


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