Grandma's Cakes and A Great Coffee Giveaway

My dearest Grandma sent me some pictures of cakes she made for my Cousins birthday she says they are just simple sponge cakes but they look pretty amazing to me shame I missed out on them! Heres the link to my Grandma's chocolate cake

Also I was contacted by Jason a Marketer for good coffee about a really cool coffee program by the Arbor Day Foundation, an organization founded in the 1970's to save the rainforest's care for and plant new trees.

They have a great organic, shade grown and fair trade coffee, that came highly rated by It even helps to save the rain forest with its great growing techniques one bag saves 62 square feet or a staggering 2 square feet per cup. This is impressive I think I will start buying from them, as you get a good cup of coffee and protect the environment at the same time.

Here's the link for more information

Jason has kindly offered to ship some of this coffee to a lucky reader, just leave a comment, and I will use to pick the winner by midnight tomorrow night.

Here's to good green coffee and cake!


  1. I am such a coffee lover! This would be an awesome win!

  2. I love coffee. A sniff of them is enough to wake me up and energize me.

    Btw: Your grandma's cakes look fantastic!


    Those cakes look delightful and I must admit that I am coveting that dotty tray they're nesting on. :)

  4. Your grandma's cakes are decorated so lovely! I'd love to try this brand of coffee :)

  5. I am a bit of a coffee addict so I'll throw my name in the coffee pot!

  6. Now I know where you get it from...your grandma is one talented lady !... Thanks for sharing...

  7. Oooh I love coffee and always buy the fair trade, organic stuff.

  8. The cakes look fantastic.First time to ur blog...u hv a great space out here:)

  9. Grandma's cakes look wonderful (of course!)

    I would LOVEEEEEEEEE to try some new coffee. I am a coffee-ahoic, there's no denying that!

  10. I love your cakes. They look scrumptious. I just baked a cake for my Daughter's bday yday. Will Love it if you read the post in my blog.

    I would love to win the coffee. okay my fingers are crossed....

  11. I am a huge coffee fan!I can't start my day without a good cup of strong black coffee :)Those cakes look delicious.

  12. Your grandma's cakes look so pretty. And do I love coffee!

  13. Your grandmother's cakes look wonderful....and I am sure they taste even better! I am going to try her recipe!

    Thanks, Carrie

  14. I never understood why grandma's foods are soooo good!!!!!

  15. Yummy cakes. I'm seeing so many cake today. It a sign I tell ya!!!

  16. Wow.. I m missing my filter coffeee

    Lovely cake.. btw..

  17. Oh yes, I'm for a piece of cake and some coffee please. Pass on my congrats to your Grandma, she makes a mean cake.

  18. Your grandma's cakes look awesome.

    I am such a coffee lover. I am using a whole bean organic coffee right now, and always try to buy organic coffee. I'll have to check out the website.

  19. Rebecca, Gram makes great cakes! And her Chocolate cake recipe is awesome, too. As for the coffee giveaway ~ nothing like a full robust brew; especially if it is won.

    Thanks for sharing your grandma's picture & recipe.

  20. Totally drooling over the cake! I especially love that it's your grandmother's recipe, it's that much extra-special and meaningful!
    I'd love to try this brand of coffee! I've actually been searching around playing with different brands and flavors!


  21. Those cakes look delicious! I would love to try some great organic, shade grown and fair trade coffee!

  22. Who isn't a coffee lover? I mean really.... ;)
    Love grandma's cakes too!

  23. The cake looks awesome what a sweet grandma!
    This sounds like a great giveaway!

  24. There's nothing like having your grandma's cooking - the cakes look wonderful!

    Oh, and the giveaway sounds great - especially fair trade coffee!

  25. Thanks all will forward your lovely comments to my Grandma and keep you posted on the giveaway

  26. Lovely cakes..I guess you inherited the passion for cooking from her :D
    Coffee...yes my hubby is a coffee lover :-)

  27. Coffee and a Great Cause...Sold!!

    I really want a piece of cake now :)

  28. A good hot cup of coffee is divine. Your grandmother's cakes are very pretty. A good sponge cake is proof that simple is best. A slice of your grandmother's cake and a cup of coffee? Over the top :-)

  29. Your grandma's cakes look excellent! I would love to try this coffee!

  30. i think organic, fair trade coffee is so important. i have yet to enjoy an Arbor Day cup of coffee, so this would be the perfect opportunity!

    i love the cake decorations. it looks so sweet and delicious!

  31. Wow...being a coffee lover....i love taste this awesome sounding coffee.....

  32. Woohoo! Coffee and cake!
    We are big into good coffee here. Looks tasty, I love how responsible they are.

  33. What?! Coffee?! Yes please!

    Those cakes looks mighty delicious too. I'd certainly have a hard time saying no to them.

  34. Oooh-this is great!! I hope I'm not too late :)

  35. The cakes are so cute. That's so sweet that she sent the pictures.

  36. thansks all, my Grandma will adopt you Claudia!

  37. Darn!!! So sad I missed this giveaway :(


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