Happy Birthday Chow and Chatter!

Chow and Chatter turns one tomorrow, what an amazing journey it has been my blog started in December last year when staying home with Jasmine as I thought it would be fun to write, cook and share health tips.

Then one fine day the darling Sweta of Bonne Nutrition left a comment on one of my posts. I was amazed someone had actually read my blog, she introduced me to so many new blogs, then I joined foodbuzz and meet so many more great bloggers.

Chow and Chatter is an ever evolving part of me!, I have changed the name the look and even got the domain. The blog inspired me to write, I have quite a few clips now and even blog for a few companies. In fact I just started blogging for my local Indian store and also do a twitter account and facebook fanpage!

Amazingly I was interviewed for a freelance writing website today, I used to see writers on here and be in awe its amazing to be one of them!

I can hardly believe how blogging has changed my life, I have meet some amazing bloggers around the world and am sure to meet many more, making lasting friendships along the way.

I made these Madeleine's to celebrate with a hint of cocoa and coconut, they turned out wonderfully, so go ahead and have one with me!

  • 2 eggs
  • 75g sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 90g flour (about a cup)
  • 3g of baking soda
  • grated zest of 1/2 a lemon
  • 90g melted butter, still liquid but cold
  • one spoon of runny honey
  • a few drops of vanilla essence
  • tablespoon cocoa
  • tablespoon shredded coconut
  1. melt the butter and keep it to one side
  2. whip the eggs with sugar and salt then slowly add the sifted flour and baking powder, lemon and vanilla essence.
  3. Mix until smooth then add the melted butter and honey and leave to chill for 30 minutes
  4. bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you all for following along with me on this journey and for all your comments, I love you all, and enjoy reading your posts and getting inspired to be a better cook and person.

Love and Hugs



  1. Congratulations on your first blogoversary! You've achieved so much with your site in just 12 months and continue to do even more with your freelance writing and company blogs. Wishing you many, many more years of inspired writing, cooking and eating! Now, I'd love one or two of these Madeleines . . .

  2. Wow Rebecca! you certainly have come a long way in just one single year! Congrats!!! >.<
    I hope there will be many more years to come...I wonder where you'll be and how this blog will be like in 3 more years!

  3. Congratulations and those Madeline's look great!

  4. Happy Bloggy Birthday Rebecca. Your blog is both fun and informative. Here's to another great year! Cheers!

  5. Rebecca, Congratulations on your very first blogging anniversary! Madeleines turned out so nice!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Congratulations on the first year !

  7. Happy Blog Birthday, Rebecca. And well done. You're fantastic...and good job with the Madeleines

  8. Happy blogoversary!!!! Here's to more fun filled posts and recipes. ;-D

  9. Happy Birthday to your blog. Where did the 12 months ago. Time flies but you've maid it. Here's to more any blogging years to come touching other people's lives. And the interview about you is awesome.

  10. Rebecca, Congratulations and Happy Bloggy Birthday :DD

  11. Great-looking Madeleines Rebecca! I am amazed at how you managed to give them the "bombée" shape so well! Anyway, congratulations on your anniversary, wishing you many more..

  12. Congratulations on your blogoversary! It has been so great getting to know you! Congrats on being featured too and all you have accomplished. Your Madelines look wonderful too, ;-)

  13. Rebecca,
    Congratulations and have enjoyed you blog.

    Happy Blogaversary!

  14. Happy blogoversary!!
    The maddies look great, so full and round.

  15. Wow congradulations! thats quite an achievement!

  16. Congratulations on your first year, Rebecca! I think your madeleines are a super way to celebrate!

  17. Congrats on your year anniversary! You've got a wonderful blog. I was so happy to have you on Working Writers, too.

    Those Madeleines look great - they are one of my favorites. Yours turned out so nice - they look beautiful.

    Here's to another great year!

  18. Aww, congratulations! So glad that you have had such a prosperous year. I wish you many, many more!
    I love what you do and admire you for being so wonderful and inspirational. I don't know if you remember but you were one of the first people to ever comment on my blog. I was feeling very much like you did when someone left you your first comment. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion with us!

  19. Happy Blogaversary Rebecca! You rock girl :)

  20. Congrats on your first birthday! Something to be so proud of as are these perfect madeleines! Yay for you! They are great!

  21. Happy Happy one-year to you! Blogosphere is indeed an amazing world. And you celebrated in style - those Madeleines are delectable. Perfect for my morning coffee.... And yes, I would love to guest post for you after the busyness subsides and will dream up something wonderfully Italian. I wish I was sitting at your kitchen table to partake... dreaming of Madeleines.

  22. I am excited for your endeavors and look forward to more of your work. I have been taking a moment reading your sidebar pieces...how many madeleines did you eat :), save some for us!

  23. Hi, Rebecca :)

    Congrats on your first blog anniversary...you have so many accomplishments in just a year Keep it up! :)

    .. your madelines looks delicious! :)

  24. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you've had a fabulous first year. I'm 7 months into mine now and having the time of my life.

  25. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!! Congrats!!!! Here is to many more!!! I have a madeleine pan and never used it, maybe this will motivate me, yours look wonderful.

  26. Congratulations Rebecca and Happy Birthday to your wonderful blog! You should be very proud! Keep up the great work! :)

    P.S. Your Madeleines look great!

  27. Congratulations Rebecca on your incredibly creative blog. You have given us all a wonderful treat that is full of information, imagination and journeys into the world of food.

    Your Madeleines are just an example of that creativity. Many thanks & Bravo!

  28. The madeleines look lovely and they are a well deserved treat for you! Congratulations, you deserve all the best! And thank you for being such a supportive person to your fellow bloggers. Very very sweet.

  29. Happy Blog Birthday! Congratulation on a great first year.
    Looking forward to all that your second year has to offer.

  30. first, nice to meet you and second happy blog birthday to you!I just read my first post but I see you are a fun a passionate foodie.

  31. Happy Birthday C & C!!

    Mmmmm, the madeleines look scrumptious!

  32. congratulations on your blog 's birthday..

  33. Hello from Malaysia!

    Happy 1st Birthday to your blog!!

    Glad that you actually shared your thoughts on life as a blogger ... a food blogger especially! There's so much resonance in my head now!

    I really admire your will, determination, enthusiasm, generosity in sharing with other bloggers like us ... I also admire your cultural openness!! Will keep myself posted on yours!

    Love from Malaysia,

  34. tangled noodle: oh wow what a lovely comment, love ya
    Sophia: me too ! lol
    Mika: thanks so much for stopping by it means alot
    the ungourmet: thanks so much love you and your blog
    Angie: thanks means a lot coming from a talented baker like yourself
    Michelle thanks
    kitchen butterfly bug smiles
    jenn: thanks love your blog
    Divina: thanks so much for reading the interview and commenting
    Anncoo: thanks so much
    tasteof beirut: thanks so much i know they surprised me that they came out so well!
    Deb: thanks so much for your kind words
    Anthony: thanks great to know you
    Melinda: thanks
    Natashya: thanks means a lot from a great baker like yourself
    peanuts: thanks
    Barbara: had to do something right lol
    Cherie: heres one for you my friend
    Sanjana: so happy to be one of your first comments you have a great blog
    Amanda: thanks so so much
    Jamie: wow thanks it means a lot coming from you as you know French cakes lol
    Claudia: great to know you looking forward to your post heres a madeleine love Rebecca
    Chef E a lot!!! he he Jasmine helped!
    Olive: thanks so much
    Lea Ann: thats wonderful so happy for u
    Chef Shari oh you will have to use it so much fun
    Jennie: thanks so so much
    George : oh your are so kind smiles
    Tasty Trix: my pleasure love ya
    mimi: oh thanks so so much
    sarah: welcome yap thats me!
    Didan: thanks
    trendsetters thanks

  35. Pei Lin: oh thanks so much for visiting will love your posts as well love Rebecca
    Fuji mama thanks so so much

  36. Happy birthday Chow and Chatter!!! Time flies!

  37. Happy Birthday!
    Those cookies look delish-I'm going to try them this weekend.

  38. Happy birthday! This is incredibly exciting. Your site with all of your food and writing is awesome, so glad I stumbled onto it.

    Those Madeleines look like a great way to celebrate!

  39. Congratulations Rebecca! I hope you have many more birthdays for your blog, it is always an interesting read.

  40. That is so nice. I love hearing blogger stories! I never would of thought that I was going to be one of them,(a blogger not a story) especially since I don't consider myself a writer. I just like to share things and maybe tell a few stories.

    Happy birthday and congratulations on doing such nice work and expanding your writing experiences. It is so much fun getting to know people we meet this way! May you continue for many, many years!

  41. Kenny: thanks so much oh so it does!
    Doc: oh your will love them
    Joanne: oh thanks for your kind words
    Janice: thanks so much love ya fellow Brit
    Lyndsey: oh thanks so much

  42. Congratulations on your blogiversary Rebecca! I am so happy for you and your successes. Your madeleines look yummy!

  43. Happy Birthday to Chow and Chatter! I have been blogging less than a year, and everyday, I am amazed at how the world opens up.

    I really love your blog. I enjoy following your adventures. I look forward to many more years enjoying your blog.

  44. Happy Birthday!

    I would love to bring my blog to the next level like yours. Congrats :)

  45. peachkins thanks so much
    Velva: thanks so much thats so sweet of you
    mom on the run: it will get there for sure
    GF Gidget: thanks

  46. Happy blogoversary! Those madeleines are so nice to celebrate with!

  47. Happy birthday C&C! I can't believe you are only one!

  48. 5 star foodie thanks so so much
    fresh local and best: thanks it will be you soon

  49. Congrats to you! I'm amazed you've only been blogging for one year. It gives me hope :)!

  50. unplanned cooking oh thanks so much your already a pro lol

  51. A happy, happy bloggy-birthday, dear.
    I'm so happy to have you around and always look forward to your comments and advice.
    Those Madelaines look so nice, you're really improving and I bet you're having more and more fun with every succesful come out, aren't you?

  52. Happy blogiversary!! blogging really is amazing, isn't it?

  53. Dajana: oh you are so right it makes you feel so good when it works out, your blog inspires me
    LK thanks I love it

  54. Congrats Rebecca - I am a little late to the party but I wish you all good things for he years of blogging to come!

  55. Happy Blog-Birthday Rebecca!
    Great interview too... Congratulations!! :)

  56. thanks so much Mardi your so sweet
    Sybil: thanks so so much

  57. I am a little late but happy blog-a-versary! I love your recipes on here and you are always leaving such kind notes on my site. Great choice for a celebratory treat - madeleines are my favorite.

  58. Happy blogoversary Rebecca! I'm so glad to have met you on the blogosphere, I adore your blog and all of the healthy information you always share! Besitos!!

  59. my bliss full bites thanks so much for the comment, your welcome
    Diana: love ya too, my lovely blogging buddy

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